Feedback talk:User/Kyle van der Meer/Family Ties

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I suppose this is up to the players to decide. Since there will be guilds, biographies, etc. It should be easy to come with a few players together and say you're a family. be in the same guild and have references to each other in your biographies. So I'm not sure that it's an option that is to be added by the developers as much as by the players. Adding an option like this will most likely lead to the NEED of players to be in a family. But in my opinion Guild can be family. It's just a matter of leaving space for creativity of the players more than adding an actual option where you choose to be part of a family. (with different races this might be a bit annoying of course). I'm not sure however what you mean to have it in the game so I leave you open to clarify it a bit. I like the idea though of intertwined back stories, whether by family or companions.(Frizz 09:40, 25 May 2010 (UTC))

An interesting idea. Are you saying that these ties are made at character creation, or can they be made/changed throughout the game? If the latter is so, are there marriages and the like as well? I know they said that they cannot link personal stories in one of the blogs, but I see no reason as to why they cannot simply allow you to be siblings/spouses without needing to intertwine the stories. Sharing a housing instance I think isn't possible, however, so Living together would need to be a mechanic they put into the game, and not a simple switch. Great idea, and hopefully something that gets considered.--Neithan DiniemUser Talk:Neithan Diniem 05:36, 29 May 2010 (UTC)
I would think that this should be able to be made shortly after the character is created due to the simple fact that you don't know what characters name will be when you first start (remember, we will be STARTING all these norms for GW2) so you will have to switch between gw1 and gw2 to make sure you are getting the story right with your guild mate/families if this does go in. I personally like the idea, because they already seem to have a Bio in there specs, so you could work out a full story that can show a decendent trail from your original character in GW1 and how the guild you where in grew, and history of it. It's a good Idea, and if it doesn't get in, knowing the players, we will put it in ourselves ingame Ocren 05:14, 13 June 2010 (UTC)