Feedback talk:User/Lensor/Shadow Form

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Noone would use it unless they find some way to upkeep it by changing the 33% to 100% would make this skill purely tanking skill instead of farming skill wich i think would be nicer ... 17:05, 25 November 2009 (UTC)

THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH SHADOW FORM! What's everybody's problem? The reason why shadow form is an issue, is because it allows for speed clears of elite areas. So, instead of nerfing SF, change all the elite areas like they did for UW. Put spawns of foes that can penetrate SF and problem solved. However, because so many people are QQing about it, look here User:Regina_Buenaobra/Journal instead of making your own suggestions. They already have a plan in the works. --MushaUser Musha Sigc.pngTalk 22:24, 25 November 2009 (UTC)
Speed clears are done primarily by 55s, apart from UW, which they changed. The problem is that it essentially provides invincibility. PS@Lensor: Shadow Form doesn't target you, so your change won't affect SF like you think it will. -~=Sparky User Sparky, the Tainted charr sig.PNG (talk) 22:33, 25 November 2009 (UTC)
Yeah, that doesn't bother me at all, since every player has access to the same skills. --MushaUser Musha Sigc.pngTalk 23:27, 25 November 2009 (UTC)

@Musha: Why should Anet spend time changing every single farm zone out there is stead of just changing a single skill? A skill so powerful that you have to pretty much redesign the entire game around it is in dire need of balancing. Also, you basically are restating the (flawed) argument to keep the old Ursan; "everyone can use it". The fact that everyone can use an overpowered skill (if they have the right class/rank) does not excuse the skill being overpowered to begin with. @Sparky: Thanks for that clarification. I always assumed it targeted you, since it is an Ench spell that effect you. Of course, one could easily change that in the functionality. (make SF target self). --Lensor (talk) 10:26, 26 November 2009 (UTC)

Yeah, if you read what you said, it actually sounds something like "This skill isn't broken, because instead of changing it we can change the whole game to suit it!". Clearly, then, it is the single "odd-one-out" skill which is broken. Ether Prism, after its rework (but before the nerf) essentially provided invincibility (to direct damage, at least) but there they were smart enough to make it a skill so that it couldn't be maintained constantly. Widowmaker 19:16, 8 December 2009 (UTC)
To come back on the suggested skill description: If all spells fail, than you can't heal yourself if you are hit by skills that aren't spells. Shadow Refuge will fail for instance. F. C. Sauër 17:35, 14 January 2010 (UTC)