Feedback talk:User/Naucoaran/Storage efficient mini-pets

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So basically, you ded a mini, you get rid of it, you pay gold...somewhere, and the HoM gives you a copy back?--Will Greyhawk 18:10, 10 June 2011 (UTC)

How about a mini storage tab, like crafting materials? Or even a placeholder mini that is just available in any inventory that you can go to your HoM to change to the appearance you have unlocked? So it wouldn't take up any slots. Would not allow for fast switching such as can be done right now, but I'd sacrifice that for one of my mules back. --Axis 07:05, 14 July 2011 (UTC)
This is a good idea. All my mini-pets are stored in my bags and I dont have the need to carry them with me all the xunlai panels on the other hand, have more valuable items saved.Yoshida Keiji 12:18, 2 October 2011 (UTC)
I would love to have minis stored in my HoM, even if I had to go there to retrieve another. And if mini storage could work... armor... weapons? Another crazy idea... as HoM is account wide, it'd be amazing if dedicating them was to your account, not your character. This could allow you to move them from one HoM to another so that characters could share them. But then again, if they didn't take up so much space, I could pick up more of the loot to buy extras for the other chars. Adeira Tasharo 05:23, 14 December 2011 (UTC)