Feedback talk:User/Purgatorio/Allowing Individual Choice to Determine Skill Function

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This is a great idea, if you can customize your skills there would be endless possibilities I hope Anet does this because it would add yet another unique feature that would make gw2 so different from the rest.

Pyromancer's Insignia + Water rune/headpiece. You can already do your suggestion for elementalists. You also realise this would be subject to min/maxing and wouldn't add any variation at all? Misery 22:24, 30 April 2010 (UTC)

@ Above: I already considered what you're pointing out but decided not to keep that in mind when writing my suggestion. I felt that the entire use of runes and such similar mods would have made better traits and would have left armor open to better abilities/buffs. Purgatorio 05:30, 3 May 2010 (UTC)