Feedback talk:User/Replect/collision detection from a different angle

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There will be no body blocking in GW2. Anet has made it clear they aren't changing their minds on that. However, I'm sure there is going to be collision with the environments, would be silly if there were not. Remember, what your viewed was a demo, far from the finished product.--Will Greyhawk 23:18, 10 April 2011 (UTC)

Things like trees and fences will be solid - we've only seen pre-beta demos. Also, going by WoW standards mobs won't bunch together on their own. On the PvP side of things, if people bunch together then they'll be totally vulnerable to AoE abilities, and we've seen that every class so far has a variety of those. The reason I've always been given for why there's no player-player-NPC collision is that it would lag the game out keeping track of collision with large numbers of people and people wouldn't be able to enter buildings/areas, or a single trainer/etc. would be body-blocked from players by the other players talking to him. --Thunderduck 22:53 7 May (UTC)

It is sad there won't be any bodyblocking in GW2 - especially because the newly-implemented "Launch" is such a good counter to it. Players could slip by their teammates/nonhostile NPCs with a simple context keypress (such as space bar in GW1). --Silverdawn 21:50, 17 May 2011 (UTC)

The GW2 team said there will be no collision detection, but this is the appropriate place to suggest having it. The team wants to know how many of us would want and not want certain features (if possible). There is a mild solution, allow NO blocking in the world, with characters able to pass each other to prevent griefing in cities, and mobs able to pass through to prevent easy corner tanking. But, in PvP, have the PvP area set in it's own zone/instance to dedicate servers to keep track of players, and have the collision detection then on. This is just to show, there are ways to think it out and a variety of solutions. Also, the GW2 team could at least put the code in place to have collision tracking, just in case 2-4 years from now they come up with a solution that they wish to use. Many games suffer later for not having the foresight to have code in place, but not activated, for the chance to expand later during an expansion. Another idea to play with is soft collision. Mobs and Players can pass through each other at a slower rate. This would prevent melee stepping through range classes instantly, but not being blocked from passing. PvP is annoying when your range attacks miss due to a player stepping through you. Wazwolf 01:47, 17 August 2011 (UTC)