Feedback talk:User/Zachariah Zuan/Kerian Prof Change

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Difference with Razah is that he was always intended to be variable from a story point of view. Keiran (not Kerian) wasn't. So I personally disagree. I'm also unsure if's technically possible to have him with just a ranger equivilant hero. Razah acts as a merc hero, so there's basically 10 Razahs. If the same was done to Keiran, then there'd be 10 Keirans. Why's this a problem? Mainly server space - same reason there's the merc hero limitations there are (only 8 slots, for instance), among other amount-of-coding situations.
Besides, it wouldn't make sense for him to go back and forth between paragon and ranger when he's "given up" being a ranger. I know there's jokes about him wearing the skirt in the relationship but he doesn't need to fit the stereotype of women not making up their minds. -- Konig/talk 06:44, 12 May 2011 (UTC)

imo Keiran's profession is Lorewise a Ranger, having mastered the skills and being one for years, but knowing 2 shouts, so he'd be a Ranger/Paragon, but your right Razzah, is more open, being a Blank Canvas construct. And there'd be 2 Keirans, Ranger Keiran and Para, not 10, this is just really cause I've seen many people put down Keiran since he became a paragon, and find it stupid that he became on in the first place, I myself don't mind too much but think the option should be there, for people who'd want to switch him back, I'm also not saying to use the given Dialogue, but something to provide room for changing him. Zachariah Zuan. 07:52, 12 May 2011 (UTC)
I never commented on your dialogue, btw. Lorewise, his profession is a ranger and then a paragon. As per Aidan's dialogue during the wedding: "I don't understand why someone would forsake the fine art of being a Ranger to run around yelling at people, but I suppose I am somewhat biased." He's fullblown paragon now. He just went from being a ranger, to being a ranger/paragon, to being a paragon. It was a transition. -- Konig/talk 19:30, 12 May 2011 (UTC)
I understand that, but I still feel it's not too much nor too game-breaking to apply the option to change him back, surely he as a character wouldn't appose to switching between the two "just got hit with why he's a paragon" aah cause Logan is a Guardian which was born from Paragon teachings, anyway yeah, I see no reason to not implment it as an option Zachariah Zuan. 22:43, 12 May 2011 (UTC)

I do not see why Razah is variable profession. He looks like a Rt and not like a W for instance. The reason why Thackeray should be the variable: he came later. I think the server argument does not stand since when you change Razah's profession, he is reset. So there is never 10 Razah but only 1. Finally I do not understand the choice of P since to my knowledge P are few used as heroes compared to N, Mo, R, El, etc. I was excited to get Thackeray as a hero, and afterall I never use him. Agaetis RosAssassin 03:16, 19 June 2011 (UTC)

Razah is variable because he's a spirit learning the ways of mankind, so he's willing to learn any and all professions to view the world in different ways, I understand why he's variable, but i'd like to return Thackery to his ranger status Zachariah Zuan. 07:31, 28 June 2011 (UTC)

Razah's a demon, not a spirit. He was created by the Mists. He was originally intended to be a variable profession, hence why he became such. They didn't have the ability when NF released and didn't bother until they worked it out for Merc heroes. Also, I think that the server argument does stand because iirc, there are 10 Razahs but you only have access to 1 at a single time. Still think that Thackeray becoming a ranger again screws up the story a tad bit too much. Konig/talk 04:37, 21 July 2011 (UTC)