File talk:Choose primary profession Factions.jpg

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No Dervish's or Paragons[edit]

Shoun't this be replaced with a picture from somone who has all campagains? 17:53, 14 December 2009 (UTC)

You can't create those professions when starting in the Factions campaign... -- FreedomBoundUser Freedom Bound Sig.png 18:00, 14 December 2009 (UTC)
Correct, but this image is used on the primary Guide to character creation not a Factions specific page, I think both images on that page should be replaced by pictures that contain all campaigns+EotN. -- Wyn User Wynthyst sig icon2.png talk 18:20, 14 December 2009 (UTC)
The caption says, "available starting professions in Factions". There is no way to start a campaign and show all 10 professions, is there? -- FreedomBoundUser Freedom Bound Sig.png 18:24, 14 December 2009 (UTC)
I think you there should be a Photoshop image showing all possible choices, then with that bracket thing [ ] turned upwards denoting Core, Factions, or Nightfall. Previously Unsigned 18:50, 14 December 2009 (UTC)
Like the one on the Profession article? Not sure what you mean by the "bracket thing". I think I know what you mean. Brackets showing that assassins/ritualists can only be created in factions, dervishes/paragons in Nightfall. I really don't see the point, since the page reflects the available choices, and provides the necessary information. You can't see all 10 during creation of a role-playing character, so I don't think it's necessary to fake it here. As far as the other images, the first one shows all three campaigns (and you can't create an EotN character), and the final two are, again, well explained examples. -- FreedomBoundUser Freedom Bound Sig.png 18:55, 14 December 2009 (UTC)
(Edit conflict) It sounds like he means photoshopping an "extension" of the list in this image with dervishes and paragons shown, and having a bracket edited in around warrior through ele labeled "core", one around sin and rit labeled "Factions", and one around derv and para labeled "Nightfall". The picture on the Profession article is fine imo. People will know which professions are available from which game by actually reading things or having played the game. --Kyoshi (Talk) User Kyoshi sig.png 19:05, 14 December 2009 (UTC)
Maybe the answer is to have 3 separate images, one with just the core Prophecies professions, the current one for factions, and one from Nightfall? Keeping them the actual character creation screenshots is important however. -- Wyn User Wynthyst sig icon2.png talk 19:06, 14 December 2009 (UTC)
Something like this? With the right images, of course. -- FreedomBoundUser Freedom Bound Sig.png 19:13, 14 December 2009 (UTC)
Looks good. de Kooning 19:15, 14 December 2009 (UTC)
/agree --Kyoshi (Talk) User Kyoshi sig.png 19:17, 14 December 2009 (UTC)
After thought, wouldn't it make more sense to have those screens under choose profession? Like this. de Kooning 19:25, 14 December 2009 (UTC)
Those sections for Factions/Nightfall are really, really short, and it wouldn't really line up with the contents, since the Prophecies would be "Core", but the Factions/Nightfall sections would line up with their respective two new professions, but have a picture of eight. -- FreedomBoundUser Freedom Bound Sig.png 19:33, 14 December 2009 (UTC)
I don't like creating breaks in the text. As long as the captions are correct, I don't think people will have a problem figuring out what each is. So, yes, I vote for the first option (with the correct images). -- Wyn User Wynthyst sig icon2.png talk 19:37, 14 December 2009 (UTC)
They could be aligned horizontally, so there is no text breaking. de Kooning 19:51, 14 December 2009 (UTC)

Nika, Eve, mhenlo, Cynn, unknown mesmer glaring at me..[edit]

Every time i've created a character, i've stopped at the proffession choice to wonder who in the world could the mesmer in the image be. I went and played prophecies and realized I had the necromancer who spams blood ritual on me was on the game box, then realized nika was on my factions aswell. then I saw we had mhenlo, cynn, then I saw the mesmer. why in the world would aNet have fun showing people the images for proffessions, showing us a couple links, and cutting out all the other classes? I still haven't figured who the ranger, warrior, ritualist, and dervish are and it still bugs me so much X.x 01:29, 24 July 2010 (UTC)