Guild:Home Is Where The Heart Is/Leadership

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Leader: Lovable Monk (John)

Lovable Monk


The current Officers of [HOME] are as listed below. Each of which are active, friendly, eclectic individuals who are very familiar with most aspects of the game. Officers are selected based on their experience, activity and time spent as a member.

H O M E Sweet (Aura)

H O M E Sweet

Aura is an experienced player whose only reason for playing is to own a Gwen doll. She is still nagging her real life partner Lovable Monk to give her the most coveted mini. H O M E Sweet is her first and main character although included in her favorites are Mesmer, Ritualist and Monk. She is still completing other titles, nagging Lovable Monk to do some elite missions and does some PvP from time-to-time. She co-leads [HOME] with Lovable Monk.

Baya Bloomwood (Chris) - committed to studies at the moment

Baya Bloomwood

Joined [HOME] 8/8/2010 - A very experienced player that goes by the name of "Chris", who has been a high standing member of many guilds. Due to this, he knows what works, and what does not and plans on using that knowledge to help make [HOME] live up to it's name as a warm, welcoming guild for any player. Chris has played Guild Wars" for over three years and has completed each campaign with Protector titles as well as the Eye of the North expansion. Previously he was the founding leader of fellow alliance guild "Chaos of Order [ORDR]" where he claims some of his greatest times in the game were spent, as well as where his best in-game relationships were developed. Presently, his main character is a Mesmer (Baya Bloomwood), and he has alternates of most other professions. Mesmer has proven to be his favourite because of its multifaceted and exciting play style. Chris is usually up for anything, both PvE or PvP oriented as he loves to help other players achieve their own goals, but he does not lose sight of his own. These include the maximization of as many titles as possible before the release of Guild Wars 2, where he plans on staying with [HOME] past its transition of over 250 years.

Home Is Where The Heart Is Alliance
Leader Home Is Where The Heart Is
Members Enhanced Corpse • Murder Death Kil • Children of Goddess Danu • Chaos Of Order • Dragon Oath • Fighting for the Kurzicks • Lords of Ragnarok