Guild:Obscure Monks Foremost Guild (historical)
This page is about a historical player guild.
This page is a player-managed entry on a guild that has now faded into obscurity through inactivity. |
Obscure Monks Foremost Guild [OMFG]
Obscure Monks Foremost Guild OMFG | |
Territory | USA |
Language | ENGLISH |
Faction | Kurzic |
Type | PvX |
No. of members | Varies |
Guild Hall | Meditation Isle |
Webpage | to be announced |
Forums | to be announced |
The Obscure Monks Foremost Guild is the first of ten guilds belonging to the Obscure Monks Alliance
Welcome to the "incubation period" of the Obscure Monks Alliance. Our goal is to provide an alternative to your average guild experience and to provide a sense of community and structure not captured by the majority of guilds. You are more than welcome to make this your primary guild, and while participation and attendance are strongly encouraged and applauded,there is no minimun time limit assigned to alliance members. The OMA is designed to be able to be a secondary guild/alliance. One of the grea aspects of Guild Wars is the level of individuality and uniqueness obtained by characters, due the varieties of classes, armor, physical appearance, items, etc.. provided when creating a new character and running it through the game. The culture of the OMA is more of a collective. An alliance of practically identical monks who are defined by their genrousity and helpful demeanor, and some of the rules and regulations, while adding to a sense of community, restrict a portion of the creative qualities that were intended for this game. This is one of the reasons for not having a minimum time limit attached to members. Think of the OMA as sort of a community service or The Monk Reserves. One weekend a month two weeks a year is acceptable. If you get tired of gameplay as an OMA Monk, take a break, we will invite you back in. Just adhear to the rules.
Member Requirements
1. Once you are recruited you will be requried to build a character from scratch.
2. The character must choose a Monk as a first profession.
3. Your Monk must EXACTLY adhere to the required physical build. (Female Monks only have a Height Requirement, but still need to adhere to the name requirement.***
4. Your Monk's name/title must consist of TWO WORDS ONLY! The first word has to be "THE' ex: (The Seeker,The Template,The Pickle)
5. Create a Yahoo account in your monks name,so we can e-mail you with alliance news, events, questions, etc.. AND/OR Register on the spurz website.
6. You must have an OMA monk on your roster at all times, even if you dont ust it that much, kepp it around for events,etc..
7. Print a hard copy of this site to use as a "quick reference guide" to rules & regs.
Character Builds
(If you don't have prophecies, email me for build requirements)
3.Brown Armor (all pieces)
4.Completly bald.
5.Facial Structure (2nd to last choice)
6.Height- Dead center of scale.
7.Skin Tone- Second darkest available.
The OMA Monks will be required to have a set of Red Krytan armor for pre searing monks. (or those of us going for Legendary Defender of Ascalon Title) After that You will probably be promoted to officer. (If the monk who recruited you is comfortable with it)We will help you obtain neccary materials etc. After you have your set of red armor, you are free to get a SECOND SET of your favorite color Krytan Armor to where whenever you wish. Most of us in the guild have a monk in pre that is going for the LDOA Title, and when we gather in groups we equip our red armor. For post searing OMA monks, you will be required to get a set of red armor from the armorer in old ascolon and wear that until you obtain the MAX ARMOR of your choice. Any color is acceptable. Feel free to ask any of us , if you have any questions.
1. Always adhere to dress code, including cape on all times when using your monk.
2. No Spam Recruiting.
3. Friendly, helpful, positive play only.
4. The use of the word "Noob" is discouraged
5. Use common sence.
Recruitment will be somewhat subdued while the OMA is in its infancy. This will give players commited to the cause time to "play test" some of the characters in order to work out the snags and kinks tied to the direction we would like to take the OMA, but anyone is allowed to join and test our ideas and ideals playability, as long as your character meets the appropriate requirements. When we do start recruiting heavier,yelling invites to anyone w/in earshot is ok, just spend some time w/ prospects. Use good judgement (and make sure they visit the site and have an understanding of the concept).
At this time there is no faction alliance. This will be addressed when enough members with interest address the issue.
- update- t looks like this will be a Kurzic Alliance.
While I am somewhat new to the PvP (GvG) aspect of the game, anyone who thinks tha they can be competitive with a group of monks only, are encouraged to join. PvP requirements will differ slightly from PvE Monks. Speak to your guild leader for more information. If there is a strong involvment in PvP, then a PVP guild will be added to the OMA. (we are currently considering allowing the warrior class characters as *PVP only* members of the guild.)
Right now the Obscure Monks Foremost Guild is the first installment to the OMA. Possibilities of future installments include the Obscure Monks Farmers Guild, Fighters Guild, and Runners Guild. Much of how the OMA is going to evolve will depend on the involvment of future members. If you have a plan or direction and the ambition to take on the roll, Your more than welcome to talk to your Guild Leader about starting your own OMA guild and joing the ranks of "The High Council"
It is extremely important while using your monk to play an active roll in the culture of the OMA in order to enable growth and timely evolution of the alliance. The main virtue of the Obscure Monks Alliance is GENEROSITY. Whether it be donating Items, Gold, or help with quests, "giving" to strangers and friends, should be your motivation for actions taken by your monk. Other things will contribute to the culture of the alliance as well. Some activities will include guild hall games,events, and give aways. Generous awards for sychronized katas, marches, battlecries, and emotes, will be given to the group(s) of monks who earn them. Give away missions to outposts and towns will also ad to our reputaion. Playing in character is not required, but would help shape the culture of the alliance tremendously. The culture of the OMA is a work in progress and its up to YOU to make it something special.
Initial Goals
1. Fill Guild hall w/all Merchants, Trainers, Etc.. 2. Recruit a few "veteran" players who can provide usefull input,ideas and resources. 3. Farming gold to finance this endeavor and also to give to the needy. 4. HAVE FUN!
Other websites will be created when/if this alliance/guild grows. There are many directions theses websites can take, and anyone with the rank of elite officer can create one on behalf of the OMA. Approved content of course.
It might seem that being an OMA monk carries alot of restrictions. While this is true to some extent, The OMA is intended to be a democracy. Your input is going to play a vital roll in how we progress, and even though I came up with the decision to do something a little differnt, the alliance is its own entity and most ideas and decisions were presented by players in casual conversation, this alliance should take on a life of its own and belongs to its members, not just the guild leaders (even if you started and financed an OMA guild. This concept was key when we first created the foremost guild and charcter requirements. I knew what kind of alliance this was going to be, but did not want to take away from the democratic tone of our brotherhood and make all the initial decisions based on my personal preferences. Since I did not have members to vote on member requirements,character class, builds, etc. I left those up to chance and decided to go the route of the old school gamer. I rolled dice. An order of monks was not MY first choice(I was hoping for warrior) but after playing for a while it seems that everything is turning out really great and I could'nt have planned better the things that were decided by chance, which is great because it takes my personal preferences out of the picture and gives our alliance more of a "cosmic" feel. All this being said, if you join and have ideas, I think we have enough people to start our democracy officialy and start having discussions about our direction.
We are currently considering allowing warriors for pvp, and female monks for those women who just HAVE to play a female character, we will probably allow it, but will build a guild hall to add to the alliance for our female monks afer we get a more female members. Just let us know if you fall into either catagory and we will discuss build requirements. The builds will be very simalar to what the male monks look like now.
We have also added another guild to the alliance for your non monk characters for those who would like to be affiliated w/the OMA but dont want to play as a monk. More details upon request.
If you have any ideas, comments, or questions, you can e-mail me at