Guild:The O S D (historical)

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The O S D [TAG]

The O S D
Guild The O S D cape.jpg


The OSD, or 'Oh Shit Dinosaurs' was founded in May 2007 by Neo_Chesh, Olivehehe_03, and Tommy_D with the sole purpose of epic lulz and enjoyment of all games participated in. Their philosophy and all around mental capacity is for games to be fun, and although some competition may be healthy, its nothing to hold a grudge over. Since it's creation The OSD have participated officially and unofficially in many games the recent addition of which being Guild Wars.

Guild Hierarchy


Sir Olivehehe


Aerith The Dead

Asuka Xian

Lady Teddington


Nafen The Azn


To become part of the guild simply contact Sir Olivehehe or one of the Officers requesting membership. Note that not all people will be accepted as we do not plan on any kind of world domination and don't need a bunch of idiots ruining our time playing.