Talk:Game updates:June 2007
Please use the relevant update's talk page to discuss.
What can I say? I thought this going to be the Sunspear + Mesmer PvE skill update. Lightblade 00:28, 2 June 2007 (UTC)
- Hey we got Stoneherder's Flatbow its been missing for almost a year but now we have it! --Jamie
01:00, 2 June 2007 (UTC)
- Almost a year? Try more like a year and a half, it should have been available in September 2005. --Rainith 01:01, 2 June 2007 (UTC)
- According to the bow's page it was first mentioned then. I don't see how you can says a bow should have existed when it was never officially announced or found in game. --Jamie
01:05, 2 June 2007 (UTC)
- It was first mentioned by ANet then, but they never mentioned any of the other Prophecies greens when they were originally released (in September 2005). Stoneherder was the only boss to drop a greens at the time that did not drop three different ones, only two. --Rainith 01:11, 2 June 2007 (UTC)
- According to the bow's page it was first mentioned then. I don't see how you can says a bow should have existed when it was never officially announced or found in game. --Jamie
- Almost a year? Try more like a year and a half, it should have been available in September 2005. --Rainith 01:01, 2 June 2007 (UTC)
Friday June 08 First update[edit]
- The description of Soul Reaping in the Skills and Attributes Panel erroneously read: "For each point of Soul Reaping, you gain 1 Energy whenever a creature near you dies. You may only gain Energy in this way 3 times every 15 seconds. You only gain Energy from Spirits you control."
The description of Fast Casting erroneously read: "Fast Casting decreases the casting time of your Spells. Additionally, each rank in this attribute decreases your Signet activation times by 3%."
The description of Spawning Power erroneously read: "For each rank of Spawing Power, creatures you create (or animate) have 4% more Health, and weapon Spells you cast last 2% longer[sic]. Some Ritualist skills, especially those related to Spirit creatures, become more effective with higher Spawning Power."
- i saw this update and was blow away before i read closey and saw it was mistaking changed to that. I think the fsat casting connection with signets and lengthen spwaning power with weapon spells is a good idea, i feel tho that if this was the way anet is wanting to go with soul reaping then they would still need to think a bit harder for it to balance out. 07:24, 9 June 2007 (UTC)
Skill Updates[edit]
- finally got a boost... its was about time, both skills are good... I like the Melee attack, its like Whirling Axe and Hundred Blades but is an Adr SKill, and can be used on a Hammer... or a Scythe/Dagger??? But whats even better is that this skill will work great for Paladins becuase of the energy saving skill.
- The Shout is crazy!!! 100 Armor??? you mean to tell me that with a Warrior and Paragon Team, you could have like 230 Armor??? WOW!
- Ok, but now... they take away the 2 corner stone skill Crippling Slash and Enragging Charge... WHY? Warriors have a hard time already with the mesmers... and now they get nerfed and the Mesmers get even better, WHY?
- Really Disappionted that the Ranger skill added on was a Beast Master Skill... now that I got rid of my PvE Beast Master... kinda disappointed... Dont get me wrong, its are realy nice skill... but man... I am sure all the bow guys are dissapointed
- The Bow attack, is basicully a better form of Dual Shot... so its really there to spread conditions faster. Again... more disapointment for Rangers unless they are condition heavy.
- Other then the fact that this skill depends on an Attribute (Devine Favor), its really a very nice skill... every time the target ally is attacked, the damage basicully is reduced and heals the whole Party! So at 10 Devine, everyone in the Party is healed 20HP each time that person gets whacked... not bad.
- I guess this one is a temp Devine Boon... like free Orison Healing... although, it would be nice with Zelous Benidiction, if under 50%, you looking at +2 Energy Gain.
- Very Nice Skills!!!! That skills works great with my Necro Build... you have to use energy, but I think it wouldn't be too too bad to spam it at only 5 Energy...
- This skill could help the energy Management of the other skill they added... this is a lot beter then other Energy Management skills for a Necro.
- But now... The two skills that work great with my big build get nerfed... it does balence it a little, but woof... now my 2 most used skill for a Necro are now tainted...
- A skill that stops the action and damages if hexed... your prayers have been answered! Migrine would be nice to slow them down and is a hex.
- Wow, what a skill... as soon as I saw the name "Ether Nightmare"... I am like ooo boy! Energy loss and high degen??? I would call that a good skill!!! Too bad a nuked my Mesmer becuase this is the cornor stone skill for my Energy/HP Siphon Mesmer I was looking for.
- And now in the recent update they are even better!!!
- Basicully both skills either increase Damage or Duration a little, nothing too too drastic... but it helps...
- Thank goodness this speed skill is PvE only... I was going to say, here comes the BoA sin again and better then ever with Armor too.. but since its PvE only... no worries... I like it MORE now that it depends on Critcal Strikes
- Um... Blind yourself to heal yourself... ok???
- Nice Spirit for a spammer, although spammers are not to to great in PvE, its more of a PvP skill, but its nice... although...
- The teleport all Spirits is nice, not move 1 spirit, but ALL spirits and heal them! great for Spirits that take damage
- This is a nice Shout skill... damage reduction and healing at the end... and can basicully be spammed so its the only shout you need to upkeep echos... i am not sure if they took that into account, but I would take it as a skill for that reason.
- Nice hard damage spear attack and Adr gain for a decent recharge... another nice skill to take with ya... however, being a Factions skill... would take a long time to get...
- Dont care for either Dervish skill... I mean you have a skill to quickly recharge already quick rechaging Derv Skills.... or a skill that is a weaker form of Vow of Strength so you can use it becuase VoS is an Elite... so for me, you can get them, but I am not feeling them like the other skills... which is kinda disappointing considering its one of the most sought after Professions in Nightfall.
These are all my person Interpritaions of the new skills, and the comments and views are my own from my exprience of playing Guild Wars for years not the views of ANET and Guild Wars Devs.
- Sabre Wolf (Saburu Urufu)