I saw one using Enraging Charge and a Dervish skill. -- Gordon Ecker 05:02, 14 September 2007 (UTC)
- Thats because 2 out of 3 of the golem types are triple profession, either E/W/D or D/W/E going by which profession has the most skills on their bars respectively. E/W/D will use Blinding Flash/Mystic Twister/Desperation Blow while D/W/E will use Attackers Insight/Enraging Charge/Conjure Lightning.
Skill bar researh[edit]
Note: only include skills from a single golem per line
I've created this table to independantly verify the three skill sets. -- Gordon Ecker 01:19, 8 January 2008 (UTC)
I disagree with this. Enough to stay as one, but hardly enough for a split. Though I don't see a reason for a split. Still, doesn't seem a candidate for a split to me. ♥ Ariyen ♀ 22:11, 14 October 2009 (UTC)
- They have different armor ratings. They are distinct creatures. Manifold
00:33, 4 January 2010 (UTC)