User:Anreciel/Anreciel Lore

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Anreciel Lore

User Anreciel Lore.jpg
Anreciel (ann-ray-seal) was born to a noble family of Ascalon. Her father was a powerful Warrior of the Ascalon Guard, and her mother was a beautiful and graceful Elementalist. Her family set aside a predetermined destiny for the young talented girl; but such fate was cut short. Unfortunately she was never able to know the love of her parents, as they were taken from her at an early age by the Charr. Her Aunt, a very powerful Elementalist, took her and her sister in.

Anreciel was the only Necromancer of the family, originally brought about after the deaths of her parents. She went to Grenth, seeking revenge. Grenth did not dabble in revenge, however, he did strengthened her with his words, and blessed her with the teachings and power of the dark arts. He trialed her; testing her strength and allegiance. She went to fight North of the Wall. That was when the Searing happened. The rest of her family was murdered. She was alone.

After the Searing, in Old Ascalon while training her Necromancy skills with Necromancer Munne, she met a peculiar Warrior named Lu Marius. They befriended, and her destiny branched. They ascended and became closer to the stars. They met many friends and friends that became enemies along their journey to uncovering the horrific truths that lay hidden beneath Tyria. They would meet the Luxons and Kurzicks and save the beautiful Cantha from the crazed Shiro, and meet Miriam and Luna. They would go on to save the great Elona from the malevolent blight of the marionette called Varesh and her hidden cohort; Abbadon. The fight against Abbadon led to Lu's death, a sacrifice Anre bears heavily on her shoulders. Anre still sometimes hears Lu's words of encouragement to press on when she is down.

Two years later; the defeat of the Great Destroyer in the Eye of the North added to Anre's journal of accomplishments as a Hero of Tyria. Miriam and Luna, still strong with Anre. They would go on to meet Simeon Aurea and her sister Minari Aurea. Simeon was too scared and shy of battle, but her sister Minari was headstrong and relentless. Minari drug Anre into the depths of Heroes Ascent where they would meet Jennifer Lion and Jackie Lion; all fighting each other for the sake of praise from the great Balthazar. Relena Vasco was the latest and last addition to Anre's group. A powerful mesmer who would rather spend her days practicing her magics at their Isle of Meditation, than fight ugly Destroyers. Relena spends her days with Simeon.

Tyria calls for a Hero's saving once again, as the War in Kryta rages on. Anreciel, with her friends, are there to stop the pressing White Mantle.

Check Anreciel's HoM Calculator for her accomplishments +