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Currently displays minipets and collectibles

Taken from Talk:Hall_of_Monuments#Update_on_Miniatures_and_the_Hall_of_Monuments:
We have read your concerns about miniature customization. In the near future, we will be making changes to the Hall of Monuments system that will allow your character to receive credit for miniature ownership while still retaining the opportunity for any of the characters on the account to access and display the miniature. The design team is currently considering a few options for this change and they anticipate that they will make an update within the next several weeks. Those miniatures that were already customized will be retroactively included in the update and therefore will become accessible to other characters once that update is made. ~Gaile

User Elviondale tu.png

Proposed changes:

  • Make this account-wide
  • Allow all minipets to be displayed
  • Incorporate a way to replicate customized minis. I do not dispute that customizing them is a good idea, however, I propose adding something similar to /bonus or the Festival Hat maker. To me, the current situation is most unacceptable. I do not troll or flame about it, but am petitioning so that this may be resolved. To me, collecting minis is an account-wide activity, not just character-based, such as getting heroes, quests, or titles.