User:Grey Ce/Fervent Lil Grey

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About Me Grey Ce - Main Character

Fervent Lil Grey was born in Pre-Searing, and that is where she will always remain. She reached lvl 9 before the Daily Vanguard quests were introduced, and she hopes to one day reach lvl 20.


Bullet rt.gif Ritualist Grey Ce
Bullet w.gif Warrior Gelasia Volturi
Bullet me.gif Mesmer Salacious Grey
Bullet mo.gif Monk Grey Smite
Bullet e.gif Elementalist Fervent Lil Grey (PreSearing lvl 9)
Bullet e.gif Elementalist Lewd Lil Grey
Bullet n.gif Necromancer Midnight X Grey
Bullet a.gif Assassin Salacious Sin

Contact information
InGame Grey Ce [ [ASIA] ]
E-mail Grey Ce
User Grey Ce FerventLilGrey.JPG

Bullet e.gif Profession: Elementalist Elementalist.
Bullet e.gif Campaign: Prophecies.
Bullet e.gif Gender: Female
Bullet e.gif Experience: 36,334
Bullet e.gif Played: This character for 71 hours over the past 23 months.
Bullet e.gif Armour Currently Wearing: Ascalon