User:Morgan X

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Gift of the Huntsman.pngNicholas Sandford Gift of the Traveler.pngNicholas the Traveler
Gold Zaishen Coin.pngZ Quests

Characters Thanks to Thulsey for letting the masses use his templates[edit]

Morgan Treehugger
Ranger-icon.png Morgan Treehugger
My main character, he's saved all three continents from certain doom and is now found wandering from outpost to outpost mopping up any scum he missed the first time.
Voice Of The Mists
Ritualist-icon.png Voice Of The Mists
My one and only survivor, but my second ritualist. The first one didnt quite see eye to eye with me...
Morgan Sunspear
Paragon-icon.png Morgan Sunspear
The survivor that never was.
Morgan Godstorm
Dervish-icon.png Morgan Godstorm
My most recent character, still finding his feet. Spends a lot of time as the Avatar of Lyssa, his favourite of the Gods.