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Rune Elementalist Major.png

(A self-description or something could go here since I favor babbling instead of statistics...) Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Cras ut augue sed tortor hendrerit pulvinar. Nulla convallis nulla vitae pede. Nam diam. Quisque eros felis, convallis et, auctor vel, pulvinar vehicula, dolor. Proin iaculis elit a urna. Etiam vulputate leo. Nullam varius ornare augue. Pellentesque justo nisi, consectetuer ultricies, faucibus at, vulputate vel, justo. Cras pellentesque. Nam sit amet lorem. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos. Fusce est. Morbi hendrerit eleifend justo. Sed ac turpis. Vivamus faucibus luctus diam. Cras metus tortor, fermentum at, luctus vel, convallis scelerisque, orci.

P.S. If anyone has any idea why padding in these boxes doesn't work at all in IE do please share. -nian

Current News
Rune Elementalist Minor.png
  • Here you can add somesort of current things/news of interest like this template competition right now :P
  • If this template is ever to be used there are quite a few links that need to be fixed appropriately.
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