User:Nub King

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I am Robert, also called Rob but my guild mates call me Nub King. Some of my hobbies include video games, television, anime and manga. I am part of the Guile of the Unbound Templars as an officer. I am the guild's PvP expert due to my vast experience in Hero Battles, GvGs, Hero's Ascent, Random Arenas and Team Arenas. My favorite PvP is Hero Battles, the highest rank I have ever been on HB is 297, I have beaten a few top 20s during my HB career. Also I was able to defeat a rank 44 clan at the time using a non-ranked, non-vent/TS, PuG.

My Characters[edit]


Ranger-tango-icon-20.png Nub King

Mesmer-tango-icon-20.png Kids Say Nub Alot

Monk-tango-icon-20.png Hikari Yamamoto

Paragon-tango-icon-20.png Rob The Spearman

Assassin-tango-icon-20.png Nub Queen

Elementalist-tango-icon-20.png Ward Against Emos

Necromancer-tango-icon-20.png Mhenlo Is An Idiot

Warrior-tango-icon-20.png Dark Smasher X


Assassin-tango-icon-20.png Rabbit Loves Hb

Minor Facts[edit]

Ranger-tango-icon-200.png This user is a Ranger by nature.
User Lensor gw2.jpg This user plans to buy Guild Wars 2
Male.png This user is Male.
Prepared Shot.jpg This user likes girls who play Guild Wars.