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What is this project?[edit]

I've created a pair of checkmark icons primarily for use in lists/tables.

They were created for an unlocks display section on my user page (which has now been improved and templated in collaboration with Alesain).

Project expanded to include updates to {{yes}} and {{no}} templates.


Checkmark Icons[edit]

First Version[edit]

checked unchecked
checked unchecked

Second Version[edit]

These are a revision of the first version. They are a little cleaner and less cartoonish, but still designed to match LordBiro's original profession icons in style (not the Tango Project ones). I have also included a cross as an alternative, though I have to say I prefer the empty tick.

checked unchecked alternative unchecked
checked unchecked unchecked

Third Version[edit]

These are a redesign of the icons following the Tango Project guidelines ...

checked unchecked alternative unchecked alternative unchecked
checked unchecked unchecked unchecked

... and the same icons with shadows included.

checked unchecked alternative unchecked alternative unchecked
checked unchecked unchecked unchecked


Yes checked checked checked unchecked checked checked checked unchecked
No unchecked unchecked unchecked unchecked unchecked unchecked unchecked unchecked
Yes checked checked checked unchecked checked checked checked unchecked
No unchecked unchecked unchecked unchecked unchecked unchecked unchecked unchecked

Use elsewhere[edit]

I'd be happy to see these used elsewhere on GuildWarsWiki if people would like to, but I'd be grateful if people let me know they were using them and maybe linked back to here?
