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Treasure Hunt Expeditions
Buried, "Do Not Touch" and including, Treasure Chests.
1. Issnur Isles 2. Mehtani Keys 3. Jahai Bluffs * 4. Arkjok Ward * 5. Bahdok Caverns [**] 6. Forum Highlands [**]
7. The Mirror of Lyss 8. Hidden City 9. The Sulfurous Wastes 10. The Ruptured Heart 11. Nightfallen Jahai 12. Domain of Pain
1) 60+ days between chest opening's is advisable, see the Treasure page.
2) * Arkjok Ward and Jahai Bluffs treasure chests can be ran in a single run.
3) Full treasure run usually takes on average; about ~ 1hour, 30minutes ((+/-) roughly)) per each character / run.
4) [**] Denotes the two "Do Not Touch" treasure chests - BEWARE! Use caution when opening.
5) Gold, Purple and including Gems, is received from the chests.
6) "Gold items / Purple Items" is from loot, etc., ect..
7) Sold Back is all other items sold to merchants.
8) Total funds = (run) + (sell back)
Character - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Days / last run 7243 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Gold 10/12 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Plat. / Gold 11,500 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Gems 7 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Purple 1/12 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Zones total 11/12 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Gold Items 13 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Purple Items 15 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Sold-Back 11,300 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Total funds 22,800 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
| Title= 
| Map= 
| Character= 
| C1=  | C1D=   | C1G=  | C1P=  | C1Q=  | C1NG=  | C1Z=  | C1GI=  | C1PI=  | C1ZSB=  | C1ZFR= 
| C2=  | C2D=   | C2G=  | C2P=  | C2Q=  | C2NG=  | C2Z=  | C2GI=  | C2PI=  | C2ZSB=  | C2ZZFR= 
| C3=  | C3D=   | C3G=  | C3P=  | C3Q=  | C3NG=  | C3Z=  | C3GI=  | C3PI=  | C3ZSB=  | C3ZFR= 
| C4=  | C4D=   | C4G=  | C4P=  | C4Q=  | C4NG=  | C4Z=  | C4GI=  | C4PI=  | C4ZSB=  | C4ZFR= 
| C5=  | C5D=   | C5G=  | C5P=  | C5Q=  | C5NG=  | C5Z=  | C5GI=  | C5PI=  | C5ZSB=  | C5ZFR= 
| C6=  | C6D=   | C6G=  | C6P=  | C6Q=  | C6NG=  | C6Z=  | C6GI=  | C66PI=  | C6ZSB=  | C6ZFR= 
| C7=  | C7D=   | C7G=  | C7P=  | C7Q=  | C7NG=  | C7Z=  | C7GI=  | C7PI=  | C7ZSB=  | C7ZFR= 
| C8=  | C8D=   | C8G=  | C8P=  | C8Q=  | C8NG=  | C8Z=  | C8GI=  | C8PI=  | C8ZSB=  | C8ZFR= 
| C9=  | C9D=   | C9G=  | C9P=  | C9Q=  | C9NG=  | C9Z=  | C9GI=  | C9PI=  | C9ZSB=  | C9ZFR= 
| C10=  | C10D=  | C10G=  | C10P=  | C10Q=  | C10NG=  | C10Z=  | C10GI=  | C10PI=  | C10ZSB=  | C10ZFR= 
| C11=  | C11D=  | C11G=  | C11P=  | C11Q=  | C11NG=  | C11Z=  | C11GI=  | C11PI=  | C11ZSB=  | C11ZFR= 
| C12=  | C12D=  | C12G=  | C12P=  | C12Q=  | C12NG=  | C12Z=  | C12GI=  | C12PI=  | C12ZSB=  | C12ZFR= 
| C13=  | C13D=  | C13G=  | C13P=  | C13Q=  | C13NG=  | C13Z=  | C13GI=  | C13PI=  | C13ZSB=  | C13ZFR= 
| C14=  | C14D=  | C14G=  | C14P=  | C14Q=  | C14NG=  | C14Z=  | C14GI=  | C14PI=  | C14ZSB=  | C14ZFR= 
| C15=  | C15D=  | C15G=  | C15P=  | C15Q=  | C15NG=  | C15Z=  | C15GI=  | C15PI=  | C15ZSB=  | C15ZFR= 
| C16=  | C16D=  | C16G=  | C16P=  | C16Q=  | C16NG=  | C16Z=  | C16GI=  | C16PI=  | C16ZSB=  | C16ZFR= 
background color (this will affect the title area; leave blank if default color is desired).
background color (this will affect the map area; leave blank if default color is desired).
background color (this will affect the character area; leave blank if default color is desired).
C1 ... C16
Character names.
C1D ... C16D
Date of last run. Format input: (YYYYMMDD).
C1G ... C16G
Gold received from treasure (this run) 1 -12 ([12 maximum]).
C1P ... C16P
Platinum / Gold received from (this run - total overall before sell-back to merchant).
C1Q ... C16Q
Quantity of gems received from treasure (this run) 1 -12 ([12 maximum]).
C1NG ... C16NG
Purple received from treasure (this run) 1 -12 ([12 maximum]).
C1Z - C16Z
Zones covered by each character in this run 1 - 12 ([12 maximum]).
C1GI - C16GI
Gold items received from drops (this run).
C1PI - C16PI
Purple items received from drops (this run).
Sell-back items amount received (this run); sold-to various merchants - leave blank if not desired to show.
Total zone funds + Sell-back received (this run), leave blank if not desired to show.

Ideas from Nae Lussia Taani with some minor additions and revisions.