User:Xeeron/TOP5 death traps

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There are easy parts of guild wars, hard parts, and those that will kill you, if you don't know what is comming. My favorite guild wars death traps:

5. Abaddon's Mouth bonus - The classic prophecies killer: Over the lava and into ... death.

4. Rabbit hole - Alice in Wonderland style.

3. Urgoz's Warren - Every been in a team where the 12th person did not wait for the rest of the team to leave the room? Not fun.

2. Molotov Rocktail - A house sized one hit party wipe.

1. Kunvie Firewing - So a team of elementalists with an elementalist boss jumping you is not enough to kill the party? Why not add two more teams? And a set of assassins? And some mesmers? And a pop-up group of Onis for good measure?