User talk:DemonicFahrir/Opinions nobody cares about
I see issue #3 come up all the time, but it's always from people who aren't taking in the bigger picture. When you're higher ranked, you can reasonably expect to group with people who know 1. each map's layout, 2. how to run a relic, 3. how to bodyblock a runner or healer, 4. how to exploit mechanics of certain maps to your group's benefit (i.e., forming a bodyblock on the top of the bridge in the first relic map that stops people from getting through on the bottom), etc etc. How much fame a person has is not a way to determine player skill, it's to determine how much tombs said person has played.
By default, everyone in HA is bad. That's just a given. So your choice (or mine, I guess, in this scenario) is to choose between a bad person without rank (and thus without experience) or a bad person with rank (and thus with *some* experience). The choice is obvious. You may feel hard-done-by, but really, that's just how life works. You go to college, get a degree, and go job hunting to find that all the prestigious places require several years of work experience before they'll consider you. Shit sucks, but that's how it works, even in Guild Wars.
You have two choices if you want to go anywhere in tombs - lead groups or join groups. I favored the former, since on top of letting me pick my people, it let me pick the build (which I changed based on the current builds being run that hour). This also gives you an edge in leveling out the playing field. You will be forming it as an unranked group (or r3 or whatever, I'm not sure what rank you are) so you will most likely get 8 people all with similar experience levels. This will prevent higher-ranked people (I don't really want to call them "pros") from feeling like they're being held back, and will reduce the amount of hostility in the group.
Next, in either case, you gotta realize that at some point, skill does matter more than rank. Even when I was forming r6+, r8+, r10+ groups, I would bring people I knew who could perform, even if they were lower ranked. I didn't make it a rule - obviously, taking lower ranked people over higher ranked on principle would just be stupid of me - but skill does matter, and everyone knows it. This is how you will get into the best groups of your timezone. You need to find a way into the group of whoever is "good" anymore (easy to find, you just look for the people that hold the most halls), and prove to them that you don't suck. When you're at the actual top, nobody ever asks about rank - between good players having multiple accounts and bringing in friends they GvG with, it's pretty common to have far superior players on your team that are lower ranked. The only time groups I was in cared about rank was for pugs - if we needed a filler second war or bitch rit, we would pug a high ranked person because we didn't want to teach some r3 every single map.
In the end, in high-level play, victory often comes down to only a few seconds of gameplay (especially relic runs). In that clutch moment, you are relying on instinct to pull you through - familiarity with the map and the game type is often the difference between victory and defeat. And that familiarity only comes from doing those maps until you are sick of them, and then doing them some more. Elitism sucks, but it exists for a reason. They don't like losing because the pug is a tard. -Auron 12:19, 22 September 2010 (UTC)
- r2 (big surprise). I want to argue your point but its too true ._. I dont form parties because im too much of a noob to know what i need and TELLING people you don't know would be like putting flare on your bar. I'm raging about stuff i know nothing about \o/ Im reading my ranting again and half of it doesnt make sense ~.~ I'm thinking ranting about stuff is a waste of time now.. Demonic Fahrir talk 12:46, 22 September 2010 (UTC)
- no, it lets other people show you where you're going wrong. if you keep it all inside there's no room to learn. HA is a huge, unfriendly place for new people, but having braved its depths over the years, I can offer tips to help make your life easier :p -Auron 13:02, 22 September 2010 (UTC)
- I have a present for you. You're welcome. — Raine Valen
13:39, 22 Sep 2010 (UTC)
- Wewt. This is useful. You should write manuals raine o.o Demonic Fahrir talk 14:23, 22 September 2010 (UTC)
- Way ahead of you. — Raine Valen
19:28, 22 Sep 2010 (UTC)
- Boo! No fair! Demonic Fahrir talk 19:33, 22 September 2010 (UTC)
- Way ahead of you. — Raine Valen
- Wewt. This is useful. You should write manuals raine o.o Demonic Fahrir talk 14:23, 22 September 2010 (UTC)
Why Monking PvE Blows Ass[edit]
- Monks Are For Healing.
- If it doesn't make red bars go up, people don't know wtf a monk would use it for. This is why Ether Renewal eles spam Infuse first and Prot Spirit second, damn whatever you think! So what if an Infuse heal is gone in a hit and a half? What does Spirit Bond even do, and what is this "HA" you speak of?
- Wot's Kiting, Mate?
- People don't understand the concept of avoiding damage, let alone the technique. As a monk in PvE, it is your job and only your job to prevent people from dying while they do everything in their power to lose as much health as possible as quickly as possible. Avoiding damage is for PvP, noob.
- My Skills Are More Important.
- No one will take any res (except you) ever because everyone else's 8 skills are more important. Res sig is a bad skill because they just aggro again and die after a near-wipe. No, I will not stop to res before we're wiping; it is your responsibility, as a monk, to drop a prot or energy management skill for Rebirth or WoH/HB for UA. Screw SoA; we need Fireball, dammit.
- You Have Full Energy Always.
- No one understands the concept that your energy will suffer after prolonged (or even rapid) abuse. You just skated by that last slew of mobs on a HSR Selfless Spirit and you're dry now? Mob's gone; time to aggro another... four. If the party is not dead, your energy is full. No exceptions.
- Isn't Linebacking for Football?
- Every skill on everyone's bar will always be used for damage. Why would I hex something with Freezing Gust when it does 80 damage? Why would I Ice Spikes a ball of melee when I can use it on a stationary monk? Yes, I have Earth Shaker, but I'm going to use it on the mob closest to me always, regardless of how the rest of the party is doing. And Eruption is a good damage skill.
♥ PvE. — Raine Valen 20:03, 15 Oct 2010 (UTC)
- Yeah, lol!! that's why I refuse to monk in Pug groups... I hate it! I had a much easier time monking in GvG groups. No amount of energy management, weapon swapping, kiting, and playing really really good compensates for the rest of the party playing like 5 year olds mashing the keys randomly. --Lania
21:09, 15 October 2010 (UTC)
this was sadly "common knowledge" when people frolicked around prophecies missions. ...and how wrong we were. So while a 12 year old who roll monk can't be blamed even if he clearly don't know shit, the 12 year old who rolls warrior is clearly the one "doing everything wrong" if the team doesn't work out? --Venomoth 20:50, 15 October 2010 (UTC)