User talk:Kakarot/Rune Trader Prices
It looks like you might be confusing two things -- I'm not sure, so i'll try to explain this how I understand it and see if that makes any sense.
Runes and insignia have a "merchant price" like every other item. An unidentified one is always worth 25 gold to any merchant. Once you ID it, it gains that "Value: x" line in the mouseover and will sell for that price to any merchant.
The trader has a price of his own of reach rune, the "player price". For really common stuff no one wants like e.g. blessed insignia, mesmer anything, most major runes, that price is probably down around 1gp. But he's required by law to offer you at least the above "merchant price" if you attempt to sell him something, so if you give him an unid'd rune he'll always offer you at least 25gp for an unID'd one, or whatever the Value line says for an ID'd one. If the "player price" is more than that, e.g. for Superior Vigor or Shadow Arts, he'll offer more.
I guess if the player price is between 25gp and the ID price then you will still get a higher price for identifying the thing.
But anyway, this stuff fluctuates like dye prices. I imagene that if someone determines that you can farm FoW stuff with a 16-inspiration-magic build and not get hurt, then superior mesmer runes would be worth mulutiple platinum in a couple days.So I'm not sure it's worth writing it all down unless you want to keep track of it day to day or week to week.
Hope I'm not sounding patronizing or anything; really don't mean to! ^_^ --Star Weaver 19:14, 20 June 2008 (UTC)
- Yeah I know what you mean and did realize that unidentified runes have a value of 25 from normal merchants but I will try to explain better what my table refers to when it comes to identified versus non-identified. The way I have been doing it is to first id the salvageable item then salvage the runes/insignias I can get from it. I then go to the rune trader and check the price he is offering which gives the value in the first column, I then id the actual rune/insignia and check again the price which gives me the value in the second column (this is sometimes the same or not much higher but sometimes it can be substantially higher as seen by the Paragon Rune of Superior Command: 155g more for using a 4g id = 151g profit) I then decided to keep track of these numbers and the wiki seemed as good a place as any.
However one thing I hadn't realized when I originally started this was that the values change and as of late haven't been keeping track as often as I used to. Hopefully this explains the reasoning behind my table. --Kakarot19:43, 20 June 2008 (UTC)
- Do you mean that rune prices change at the trader or that the price after being identified changes? Because I've had several runes of the same type and level that were priced differently. I think i have some that I can take a look at later when I'm not a work, and compare as well. 19:52, 20 June 2008 (UTC)
- It looks like the price for both columns change going by the Radiant Insignia. --Kakarot
20:02, 20 June 2008 (UTC)
- It looks like the price for both columns change going by the Radiant Insignia. --Kakarot
- Do you mean that rune prices change at the trader or that the price after being identified changes? Because I've had several runes of the same type and level that were priced differently. I think i have some that I can take a look at later when I'm not a work, and compare as well. 19:52, 20 June 2008 (UTC)