User talk:Krin

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To create a proper suggestion, use the box on the right-hand side of your feedback page: Feedback:User/Krin. For further help, you can look at Feedback:FAQ and Feedback:Rules, or type back here and we'll try to get your suggestion sorted out. G R E E N E R 20:55, 14 October 2010 (UTC)

I think i got it right. IT showed up on my suggestions at least --The preceding unsigned comment was added by Krin (talk).

Yep, and I hope you don't mind me doing a quick cleanup on your feedback page. G R E E N E R 21:07, 14 October 2010 (UTC)
And one final note: Make sure you bring Zho's Journal with you when talking with Katharine. You can get it by talking to Zho, as a henchman, in Gunnar's; There's no need to fight her again. G R E E N E R 21:44, 14 October 2010 (UTC)