ArenaNet talk:Guild Wars 2 suggestions/Completely Eliminate Gold Buyers Methods

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This is an interesting idea, and it's been suggested by many other players (in other talk pages). Your means of delivery are way out of line though, I would edit the article myself, but I'd rather have a moderator do it instead. The lines under "Why this would not work" are irrelevant and may even be offending to some people. I vote to either A: delete this article altogether or re-write it from scratch. Again, good suggestion but terrible way to get your point across. Thumbs down. --ChristopherRodrigues 20:30, 22 June 2008 (UTC)

That irrelevant stuff was not done by the original poster, judging by the History, and is mostly violating NPA, so I guess it should be removed. Well, better than a guess, because that's what I'm doing. /agree with above. --Chaiyo Kaldor talk contribs 20:35, 22 June 2008 (UTC)
Erm, you can easily sell essentially free things (like collector drops) in an auction house for as much gold as you want. I guess you didn't think this through enough =p. Also, it's an unnecessary pain in the ass. — Skakid 20:44, 22 June 2008 (UTC)
NO! Runescape did this, and they lost 500,000 non paying members, and 250,000 paying ones. --The preceding unsigned comment was added by User: (talk).
LAST thing we need is for Anet to take advice from JaGex.
Wouldn't losing 500k non-payers and 250k payers be a net profit gain? Assuming the non-payers used the same amount of resources as the paying subscribers, of course. Guess it depends whether you had 250k subscribers before the change, or 10 million though. - Elder Angelus 21:47, 3 November 2008 (UTC)
Okay, bite my head of, but I think gold sellers are good for Guild Wars IF, and only if, they get banned. I wouldn't expect gold sellers to stop so they have to buy a new account, which fills Arenanet's treasury. As long as they keep getting banned and get new accounts, they could pay a (relatively) large percentage of the expenses. HeavenMonkey 19:15, 26 March 2009 (UTC)
I took the suggestion as sarcasm, haha.--UserZathicSig.PNGZathic 02:34, 14 April 2009 (UTC)