Feedback:User/Dark Chaos/Heroes' Ascent

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Heroes' Ascent has long been a PvP game type that provides a title after so many wins. The Hero title has been used as a requirement for teams forever, causing new HA'ers wanting to learn, left out of groups. While this is going on, the very experienced players also form a group. These very experienced players and top GvG'ers matched with new players tons of times. What I'm trying to say is that many teams over-power the lower ranked players, discouraging the new HA'ers.

My suggestion is to tier the HA matches leading up to the Hall of Heroes, but not the Hall of Heroes itself.

Take the average rank of all the players on a team, and match them up with other teams with the same, or around the same average (like GvG rating, except using the Hero title) making the matches fun and give both teams a chance.