Feedback:User/Devils Anubis/Interface Window

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I would like to submit a suggestion for the full party of heroes. First off I think it's a wonderful system and should have been integrated much earlier into the game :) I love how instead of waiting long period of time to find a group I can just add heroes and go. Makes life faster and easier.

Just one problem, it makes the screen too crowded with 7 individual windows. I was thinking maybe incorporate a singular window with all the hero's info. Something like the minion window but with more detail. I know it might be a challenge, but it's food for thought. Maybe even make the windows adjustable or something simple like that.

Possibly make it into the party window or something to that effect. This would make the game so much easier to control your heroes. Take macroing for example. It's already hard enough with 3 heroes, once added the other 4 it made it next to impossible.