Feedback:User/Frosty/Dual Attacks and Sin Combos

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So the new spam sins are big bizatches and they spam jagged fox fangs death blossom and critical strike like bizatches.

I have a suggestion that lowers their DPS whilst not hurting an assassins ability to gank using a spike build!

Essentially take all dual attacks and make them disable lead and offhand attacks for 1 second, or 2 seconds, this makes spamming dual attacks less effective! However let some skills bypass this aftercast, mainly Falling Spider, Falling Lotus Strike, Moebius Strike, Golden Phoenix Strike and Black Spider Strike. These 5 skills are the main viable skills that are used after dual attacks in spike sins, so these should have the ability to be used rapidly after.

With this, a spam sin can't repeatedly spam a chain on a target, and it generally gives their spam chain a recharge that it needs.