Feedback:User/I approve this pwn/More random suggestions

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  • have title-point system that allows players to buy unique items that require title-points from titles achieved and other different types of achievements that can be made in the game. examples of unique items could be special consumable items (fireworks, holiday things maybe etc), weapon skins, armor skins, home instance items, extra character slots, extra storage space(bags, inventory slots), different game options like limited flying perhaps o.O, guild options or extra bonus types of stuff etc. stuff that adds more to the game type of things, as rewards.
  • home instances: have a market to buy homes and home items. have different home tier levels with options for each (this will be something for people to grind for if need be...). have plenty of accessories for homes (i'm sure many can be conceived). for example, welcome home mats, mini bars, pools, spas, saunas, fountains, gardens, landscape things, and all the virtual amenities that one could want.
  • have all character companions like minions, pets, illusions, summoned creature etc have skill slots that can be changed by the player. like heroes in gw1 but maybe with more limited options of skills. maybe have consumable items slots for them too or armor and weapon choices.
  • have sand and dirt on the ground underwater that can muddy it up.
  • have a role playing world that is very linear and real-time like. day and night cycles would occur normally like in 24 hour days. the story of the game world, with a single over arching main story theme, would continue everyday throughout the game. all events, chain of events, and access to dungeon play, boss appearances etc would occur in a very planned and story scripted type of way. each story event would be heavily scripted, with some lasting for brief periods in lengths, like say of hours (e.g. raids), while others lasting much longer, like say for days on end(a battle for example). to make the story outcome changeable, if desired, processions of event completions, dungeon completions, boss completions etc would need occur, otherwise the story would continue like as previously scripted, like nothing had changed it. a story could last for one month and repeat over and over again continuously, or there may be many different stories which could occur, each with their own lengths, with new stories beginning where others end. Plots in the story or stories would usually involve events where many people would be involved to include game-play for players to be involved in, for example invasions would occur so that players would have to fight the invaders. in this situation defending NPCs would fight other invading NPCs if there were no players around but would scale down and die off with invading NPCs scaling up to fight against increase amounts of players. after a fight event has occurred and ended, NPCs may settle down and begin to assess the situation, outcome and aftermath of the event and progress the story with their own dialog and story telling etc. At this point, players can watch the story unfold with NPC dialog and cinematic type of events, perhaps some pointing to where key story events may occur, or they can participate in tasks available throughout the game world until the next series of events occur to progress the story of the world, until the end is reached. each event would occur throughout parts of the games world to reach and spread the population of players, where some would converge together to have areas with a more concentrated number of players and increase densities to increase battles sizes and so on and so forth. key story characters could lead players (through invasion conquests or defensive strategies) to continue through the story on throughout all parts of the game world, causing all sorts of events to occur. there could even be a protagonist and antagonist side with groups within which players can join and play along side with. members of these groups would be restricted to the play areas that are influenced or controlled by lead characters. victories and loses of opposing forces(possibly more than two, each with their own agenda) of characters and players could ultimately determine the outcome of the story and what is achieved and lost by players. a way of thinking of it, i guess, would be like a strategy game with a story that has characters that are trying to gain dominance with control of the map and with people helping them to do so. Like a pre-scripted war that requires player participation to determine it's outcome. the end story would probably have two sides fighting with groups joining together to fight stronger groups of the opposing side, with one side finally dominating the map overall if the story is concluded there. this game would have it where either the antagonist side or protagonist side could win. the replay value of this type of game would be to change how the story goes and how the game ends depending on how well players play each scenario.
  • have utility-side skill presets that are easy to setup and easy to access. for example, someone could create 5 sets of skill builds and have them saved in presets to use before a fight and then easily switch between them when needed. a way to have this preset setup would be to have a button near the 5 right side skill bar skills that, when pressed, displays 5 skill bar preset boxes on top of it players can put skills into. players easily can press this button to display the presets that they want to load up. these presets could be saved and sent to players like skill builds in gw1.
  • to extend the amount of skills for weapons and add variety to them, have more sets of skills to each weapon or only some weapons or only for some professions weapons etc, or have only one changeable skill on some weapons etc. have challenges or other methods of obtaining second or third set etc if the need is felt. or maybe have only one weapon per profession that has more than one set of skills. this would probably be the weapon that the profession would most likely be proficient at. or..just add more sets according to what would make sense for each profession to have... :-p
  • character naming. to make your character naming process more role-playing like and useful, have the naming convention of weapons in the game. for example 'burning sword of sundering'. a characters name could be based in the race, profession and background as a modifier etc. each basis could be used for a first name, middle name or last name etc like prefixes or suffixes. examples 'sir john foresthunter' 'lady gwen dazzler or lockpicker' etc. these naming options could help players choose appropriate names for their character also or just help give them ideas for names.
  • after an event completion or a pvp match, show a short statistical summary of your damage compared to others who've participated in the combat to show how well you are doing compared to others for competitive data analysis.
  • have in WvW or other places, chances where heavy fog or other environmental weather conditions can reduce visibility and detection of other players or foes.
  • skill unlocking. have all the weapon skills be available initially but have them darkened and weak in strength. each skill would get brighter and fuller in color and stronger in strength as a player uses it more until the skill is at full strength and in full color. this way of 'unlocking skills' doesn't totally disable you when you switch to a new weapon and promotes skill practice through usage of repetition in order to strengthen the skill. this could work with and be applied to utility skills also, once a player has obtained them as well.
  • limited running should be a standard play mechanic for all professions, in order to move out of threatening situations quickly. it makes sense for all characters to have. extra fast or lengthy running would make sense to have as a skill.
  • have foes that require more than just skill spamming or killing in numbers to defeat...perhaps sequences of actions to perform type of ordeal. foes that can combine to get progressively faster(or slower), stronger, durable, bigger etc as more accumulate. or foes that continue to split and reduce in size to get faster and increase in numbers or just multiply and change skills while doing so. have foes that use other foes as weapons to fight with...foes that are just really good at evading attacks...foes that have other smaller foes linked to them which if separated becomes more of a challenge. foes that change a certain way when attacked a certain way, like if cut, it would produce a new copy of itself and regrow into a replica; or if burnt, melt and changed to a new foe type etc...
  • add directx 11 tessellation if it's not already in the game. tessellated surfaces can look very nice and realistic compared to ones that aren't. nvidia website gives a summary about the many benefits of using it here at
  • be able to use any weapon for any profession, but if that weapon doesn't belong to the professions normal specialized weapon set then only one or a few skills are available for use. or have all five skills but only have basic skills like chop, slice, bash, throw etc with weak affects and strength (and visual effects hehe) for humor purposes lol. also the same skills could be given to all professions using non-normal weapons for that profession.
  • skill strength animation. have each skill have different animations for level of strength for each skill so a person can easily see the strength of a skill. strength level example: 1/3 strength small sized fireball 2/3 strength medium sized fireball 3/3 strength giant huge sized fireball.
  • emotes, someone on a youtube comment suggested emotes that weren't gestures but instead ones that were profession related that made each profession look better...the comment says "How about some emotes that are class based that actually make your character look cool?

Off the top of my head Elementalist- playing with fire holding it in there hand and or Levitating Necromancer- surronded by black crows or making a skeleton dance or having the grim reaper stand beside them. Warrior- sharpens axe or sword, or beats chest doing sum type of rally cry while holding a weapon in the air. Thief- and actual pickpocket animation that they can do to other players? supery2jay 1 week ago 57". i just wanted to mention this comment as a suggestion.

  • gradually add new plants, animals, structures, skills, rewards, mechanics, content etc as time goes on after release to mix things up a little, improve, fix or add upon things.
  • have lots of marine life like starfishes, octopuses, crabs, lobsters, shrimps, turtles, squids, seahorses, seals, penguins, shellfish (clams, oysters, mussels, sea snails etc), jellyfishes, stingrays, eels, whales, dolphins, big game trophy fishes like swordfishes and marlins, lots of small and colorful fishes like clown fishes, manta rays, orcas (aka killer whales), sea anemones, coral reefs, sunken cities, sunken treasure, glowing marine life, colorful underwater plants etc.
  • have professions that can use multiple skills simultaneously. e.g. throw an axe and a dagger together at the same time, with one skill operating one hand and the other skill operating the other hand. this could be a mechanic for warriors where they have two chaining skills, one being operated with each hand. legs could also use this mechanic. then there would be four skills that chained on the skill bar at once.
  • have dual-wielding independent weapons that can be used independent of each other e.g. quickly swing two axes in successive motions one after the other using main hand and offhand skills or together at once type of mechanic. each weapon could have different damage types or skills of attacks etc. another example would be a main hand and offhand skill, like throwing axes, that have no cool down time each with slightly different skills that if used together at once, does a stronger skill that has a cool down time associated along with it. so two axe spams could be done quickly in succession or done together for another skill like a head decapitation with both axes swinging together in a sideways motion or something like that.
  • have skills that cover(attack, move, protect etc) the sides, rear, top or bottom on land or submerged.
  • underwater submerged mounts. e.g. animals(hanging on to rays, dolphins, large seahorses :-) etc), vehicles or gadgets...
  • have emotes and some consumable items as non-combat skills placed in the skill bar, that way you don't have to type in the emotes to perform them. have some consumable item effects like character transformations as permanent non-combat skills with cool down times.
  • have some huge amazing (maybe some monolithic) monuments that take large amounts of resource that players can contribute to to build in order to gain world or area benefits. have other facilities that players can help build to modify cities and the pve world so that each server and area would be different depending on how players build things. each server would be entirely unique, appearing differently, behaving differently, playing differently, accumulating different resources differently, function differently. building each world unit thing would require different resources and average build times. limits could be put on how many of each unit of things could be made in an area or be dependent on whether other things that are built in order to be made. the world area is already there, things just need to be made in it in order for it to flourish even more(or whatever type of goals players can achieve with it) and constantly change itself with time. voting and including monetary and resource requirements and availability or some type of decision mechanic could be used to determine what building project plans go underway i guess. some facilities could increase production of needed resources to build other facilities etc also. some facilities could create greater happiness for the people in the area. some allow for other activities to take place like entertainment, sporting and recreational activities. this type of world/city building game-play could be added on as an end-game type of game-play i suppose. negative side affects like exhaustion of resources, waste, pollution, environmental hazards, etc could be included to simulate a more realistic type of game-play. the game developer doesn't need to build the world necessarily(maybe some of it) but instead create the tools and establish the rules needed in order for the players to create it. small and simple facilities could be used at first and then more and more complex and interesting ones could be added and implemented as things progress.
  • in pvp maps have walk-ways that have sections that can be broken (like a hole in the floor) so that players can drop or cause other players to drop to a lower floor level. have bridges that can move and connect to other parts to redirect paths with switches to change their connections. come on, let's ramp up and revamp these multi-player maps up some. have some doors that open and close to block or allow entry. have some corridor areas within open area maps with side doors and destructible sections to lead to other pathways or open areas. Add some portals where players can camp at. have some sniping points like towers and other places with other vantage points. have cover areas that have small openings to shoot from. have environmental objects that can obstruct player movement or damage them like a pent up group of barrels that can be released on to other players, rolling them over or hitting on to something and exploding because of the gunpowder in it etc. or crude elevators to change elevation. or tight rope planky high elevate pathways across the map that are difficult to traverse and some requiring some jump skills too. falling damage height thresh-hold should be low to set game-play difficulty and realism. less plain jane maps and more fun maps. have partially open grave caskets with random fun-to-use weapons or items with powerful skills with limited usage before the item breaks or become unusable. or have to consumables that are fun to use like speed boosts or character skin changers (these items could be used in less serious maps i guess..). add in some diving planks for water areas...have a map that becomes almost fully submerged in water with different intervals of submersion in maps like a ocean sink hole or something like that; have areas of high ground where players don't get submerged to avoid submersion.
  • make the characters breathing increase after a long period of running even if it has no affect on their running and when they stop have them breath heavily to catch their breath to add more of a realistic touch to the characters.
  • for foes like the worms have them some in bunched up groups with some that are really small or medium sized. have like gross patches of them and stuff. animals and plants usually are found in groups and patches so making the animal and plant life comprise of this manner makes for a little bit of realism. get creative with a natural feeling with things. like if you turn over a rock you'll see a bunch of bugs crawl out of it. have lots of very small animals and bugs around, makes great atmosphere. a swarming field of locusts or glowing fireflies at night would be fantastic. have small creatures like frogs, lizards, centipedes, butterflies, small spiders, ladybugs, flies, ants, beetles, small scorpions, small snakes. oh for larger animals alligators, rhinos, hippos, elephants, giraffes. have some carcasses and animal remains lying around for environmental effects and feel(maybe some with maggots on them). have some water bugs that skim the surface of the water of ponds and frogs on lily pads. oh and have some bass, trouts, carp, blue gills, catfish and pretty koi fishes in the lakes, swamps and ponds too and some salmon in the rivers and streams.
  • for the rezing animation maybe have the character shake the other one awake or pouring a flask of liquid to rejuvenate it or perform a magic spell while reading a book...or something that would illustrate a person resurrecting/reviving something. or also have a skill that will resurrect them even if they are dead.
  • exploring the world in gw2, when people go around exploring everything on the map, they want to find something. there should be random hidden things everywhere on the map that randomly generate for each person who finds it. it doesn't need to be something rare, unusual or really great all the time just something to be found. some gold, consumables, crafting material, high trade-in value items, unique item skins, jewels, unique or rare pets, unique weapons, unusual or interesting armor skin, an extra skill point item, pieces of an item, toy items like a usable slingshot, fun items, magic books, catch-able land, water and air pets to be used in home instances, rings, jewelry, etc and other miscellaneous items would be nice to just find scattered and hidden throughout the map. some item spots could re-spawn items daily, weekly, monthly or have random intervals of spawning time to keep players guessing or to lessen item farming. under every rock, nook and cranny littered everywhere, there should be something.
  • have a skill in dungeons or other party instances where if one or more of the party members drop out of the game or some situation like that, the other players can all jointly create a portal to travel back to town to bring members to replace the missing player(s) then step back into that portal and teleport back to continue where they left off. this portal could even be used to trade off players who don't wish to continue a dungeon or whatever. players would have no city access to certain things available in the city to prevent misuse of portals. while portal'd back to the city players would glow or something to that effect to show that they are in the city from a portal. restricted portal areas or other restrictions could prevent unwanted uses of portals also.
  • there should be environmental weapons and items used to solve platforming areas in pve with crouching and crawling used as a game-play mechanic also.
  • have another of your own health bar close to and underneath your character model so that you can easily see your health in combat when you don't have time to look down to where the skill icons are at to see what your health level is. have this in addition to the health orb in the bottom middle of the screen. or have it on top of the head of the avatar or which ever position works better. it's also a lot easier to see and notice than the bottom health orb ball thing itself. this is useful in pvp. this and other screen information could be made as an option to be switched on or off depending on players preference if they want so much info on the screen at once, or even given preferences to customize to their choice (e.g. bar on top or bar on the bottom)
  • have the the screen-frame edge damage indicator (the red glow that's around the screen that show you are getting damaged) glow more towards the direction that you are getting damage from, that way you can tell which direction you are getting hit from. example: someone behind you is hitting you, the bottom of the screen glows more red. actually only the direction of damage needs an indicator and if you're getting two hits from the back and three hits from the top right corner then you should just get indicators showing two hits at the bottom and three hits at the top right of your screen (maybe glowing bar lines at 360 degrees around the screen that fade outwards, idk(i don't know) whatever). this is useful in pvp most notably when you can't see where an opponent is at like if he/she is behind you off screen. this can actually be added on top of current configurations or as an option to be turned off if wanted.
  • in pvp if i haven't already mentioned this, display the damage that your teammates are inflicting onto a opposite teams member to everyone on your team so that everyone on your team can see who is doing how much damage to who. each person should have his/her own damage numbers that is displayed with his/her own damage color on the character model of the someone receiving damage. for example if me and my teammate were attacking a person on another team, the damage that i was inflicting would float up in yellow numbers while the damage my teammate was inflicting would be in purple. the character model of the person receiving the damage would have yellow and purple numbers floating up next to it representing how much damage he/she was receiving from us. the damage displayed would show effective or ineffective our combat or tactic was to everyone on our team to help potentially find any faults in our combat strategy. a possible the cause of ineffectiveness could have been that we were using physical instead of elemental damage which could then easily be seen and pointed out by a fellow team member and corrected, for instance. the profession icon next to the portrait of the team member could be color coded to denote the color of the numbers that would indicate the damage inflicted on a foe. use small numbers for teammates if crowding may become an issue. damage statistics is important in pvp combat. maybe even show a chart or graph of damage statistics after a match too... have this as an option that may be set as off at default to not confuse or overwhelm a new player too much but can be turned on as an option to add more combat data for players who want more detail when playing.
  • if i haven't already mentioned this, color code the marking tool used on the mini-map compass for each person in a party. give everyone their own color. when parties are formed, assign a color to each person denoted with the color of the profession icon located on the portrait of the team member. and also have an icon for the person them-self somewhere on the screen also. having everyone use only one color on the compass makes strategic communication almost impractical. it's difficult to distinguish any ones drawing when everyone else is just using one color, so then everything just becomes a mush-mash of scribbles. ...or allow players to choose from a palette of select-able colors available somewhere, that will also work. satisfies the same objective.
  • weapons to have in the game. flail (ball and chain connected to a stick or a two stick mace thing) some with three ball and chains, morning star (mace type also), nanchaku (two, three or more sticks possibly), meteor hammer (similar to bolas), chain whip, Kusari-fundo, rope dart, claymore (the two-handed long sword or 'great sword' in the game), arquebus (rifle), shields: buckler, heater shield, kite shield, scuta, targe
  • allow skills to be individually augmented to enhance, reduce or modify certain characteristics of it. perhaps apply this to only some skills or for only some groups or professions. as an example of a modification, firearms can have different types of bullet cartridges (hollow-point, softball, jacketed, sub-sonic, +pressure, armor piercing, slugs, spreading pellets, etc) and modifications like sound and flash suppressors and recoil absorption mechanisms like springs and pads etc. i guess weapon mods can do this sort of thing for a set of skills it seems. armor mods can work the same way i guess too (lighter stronger material, more sturdy and less brittle, more flexible, stealthy, glowy, just lighter, etc)
  • end-game content, things that usually can only be done after completing the story(s) of the game.
    • rescue all game heroes from capture(each one at their own area and capturer(s)), after which they reside in your home instance in their non-hero clothes and give some added game thing or be usable later etc. (a new story twist after the end of the main story)
    • change profession(not create a new character and name thing) and create a new story, in addition to the old one, with more storage space appended to accommodate for the new story. each game account can create up to 8 stories total, one for each profession if wanted. so for instance, a person can make 1 race character and have stories for all 8 professions or make all 5 race characters and spread all 8 profession stories spread between them or make 3 race characters and spread 3 profession stories between them (e.g. 3 elementalists, 3 warriors, 2 gardians), etc. this might be an elaboration of an older suggestion from before.
  • have reliability as an attribute as an all chance-to-occur modifier.
  • having blood spew all over could be used a visual indicator for how much damage is received by a character, with an option to change the color of the blood to meet the viewing sensitivity of some players. this could be an option for players who don't want numbers floating up next to character models. or even both.
  • have audio and visual ques to alert and warn players of low-remaining time left in pvp matches.
  • some people seem to want to have more thicker body types for their characters, so having that option would seem like a good idea. oh and also older looking faces too and maybe streaks of secondary color in hair might go well too or some kind of customizable hair dying schemes may be of order (like hair tip color or various designs of colorization and mixes etc). grey peppered hair..
  • have mesmers elite moa skill be able to change into other creatures that can be obtained by the player in someway, maybe like how pets are tamed.
  • in water areas, have lots of things in the water to help facilitate depth gaugement for players. maybe air bubbles that get larger as the person gets closer to it.
  • have lots of things that players can do in and to the environment like different swimming types, different ways of diving into the water. the motto should be 'what can't you do in the game?'.
  • add some humor or seriousness to foe characters when they are being engaged by a player. maybe some things will run away furiously if attacked even if no damage is incurred.
  • have different foe behaviors, like have a group of foes sit around a camp and socialize but if a player or players engage them then the begin to fight like how a group team would. or maybe just one or two attack a person while the others stand around and talk, commenting and watching the others fight; different scenarios like that. perhaps some may jump into combat to trade places with a combatant.
  • in pvp have a portal that's in the air where player portal into and fall to the ground before a match. makes for an interesting visual i guess.
  • make foes and animals more bad-ass looking when they fight etc.
  • make companions like flying elementals behave like how their character type should, like carefully flying around looking for foes and striking swiftly and precisely as opposed to a bear which would sort of gallopily run around visciously mauling, tearing, biting and growling at their foes, that kind of thing.
  • have objects all over the pvp maps that bounce around, slide, break, explode, have visual effects (like shine, glow, sparkle, flash, etc) to confuse or cause some sort of gameplay affect, smash into players, trap doors, provide tranportation, mini man-able turrets, slide-able doors the can increase opening sizes, environmental combo fields like fire pits and waterfalls etc, things like environmental; flame throwers, rockets and grenade launchers; ropes for quick sliding traversals, climb-able walls to avoid melee damage or to get to another location, climb-able trees,
  • in pvp have a realistics mode with limited or no HUD(heads up display) interface. have skill bar re-appear when out of combat to change skills..
  • add some lightning to the elementalist tornado elite for some lightning damage and effects, oh and plus debris too, maybe some earth damage.
  • in-game message forum that is separate for each guild.
  • in-game calender that is separate for each player and guild.
  • in-game blog for each player.
  • player profiles for each player that can be view-able by other players when they right click on a persons character or by some other means in the game.
  • have a targeting system where you can select multiple targets in an order where after you have defeated one target, you immediately target the next target of your selection and maybe automatically walk towards it or whatever. this way you could focus on the combat and flow of the game-play while not having to look around for your next intended target, in a systematic way.
  • have areas and places (like certain walls or floor areas) where players can paint or draw on for the rest of the player community to see. these creative sites would have tools like paint brushes, crayons, chalk, pencils, pens etc for players to use to display some creativity in the game. an option to save each piece would be great too.
  • have tons of things that you can find in pve and other parts of the game that you can put in your home instance.
  • have rooms with interactive candles and other light sources, where if you 'blow out the candle', the room becomes dark until it is re-lit.
  • have a 'like or dislike' option to give as a review for a player, like you would find in many social network and types of websites. this could give players a statistics of popular players in the game. this could be applied to NPCs, guilds and whatever too. this could also help give Arenanet some statistics of what are popular things in the game. popularity could be a title or status that could have an option to be displayed or not depending on the preferences of the player. players could right-click another players avatar and a menu of options and info could be displayed about each player (out of combat of course).
  • have a share-able mini-map that party members could share with others and draw on and imprint things on, in real-time, for others to see (kind of like the mini-compass thing). people could communicate in a more visual way with this approach. have this mini-map share-able among guild members to allow members to easily request help to different locations that need more player assistance. so if your area needs quick and numbered help then this mini-map would quickly and easily get you the help that you and others may need.
  • have creature and foe have variation in health level, amount of skills, skill strength, combat tactics, computer AI difficulty, etc at whatever level that they are at. this makes playing against foes more varying and different no matter what level foe you are fighting with. so for example one level 20 foe may have 100 health and 10 points of skill strength while another level 20 might have 50 health but 5 strength.
  • have creature and foes that level up during combat or even out of (pve)combat by fighting other foes or even just with a transpiration of time so that foes get stronger in areas that have not had interactions with players or by defeating players.
  • have environmental creature and foes that multiply with time and interact with other to change population in an area so that the population of anything is never constant in any area. so that with time any area can become over populated and become more populace and potentially more dangerous to players if no one visits the area and curbs the population by killing things in it. also have variations with the multiplication rate and period of incubation too etc. each species could have their own rates etc.
  • have creature and foe groups that scatter when engaged by a player and regroup afterwards if any are left and ones attack or flee as a group when being engaged.
  • have creatures and foes that only attack players above or below it's level, otherwise it will run away.
  • mix creature and foe AI in an area so that some creatures will be 'smarter' than other creatures.
  • have lots of small creatures and foes with low levels and or health to provide for cannon fodder during combat.
  • each area should have an average creature/foe level but not be limited to it.
  • give each creature/foe an age so that players can tell how long the creature has been alive(instanced) (minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years etc), next to the name or by right-clicking on it. this adds detail to creatures and gives the player a sense of how frequently visited or popular an area is. aged creatures/foes could also give bonuses or add to some sort of game-play into the game too. aged creatures could be higher level, provide better or more loot drops, give more experience points etc. some creatures could become more active or become a foe after a certain age...some creatures may become more group types of creatures after a certain age etc. have creatures/foes change(the model of themselves) with age (baby, adolescent, adult versions).
  • some people requested breast size options because they didn't favor having them too large and not being able adjust them. sounds like a reasonable option to have. it may also mirror a better representation of the actual person playing the game which many may appreciate more. in a phrase, character creation should be able to represent a larger demographic of the player base.
  • have height of characters in numbers with the size of the character model matching so that a player can choose an option like 5 feet 7 inches or 6 feet 7 inches the character model would re-size accordingly.
  • about the cow launching thing, some people may be sensitive to animal treatment or portrayal in a game, so doing it in a tasteful manner might be a good thing to go about (for public relations matters). maybe have the cows go moo! while flying and land in a funny and safe manner may keep people from calling it 'animal cruelty'.
  • facial hair color like eye brow and beard color looks like it needs an option too.
  • having an option to have in-game scenery (or a few) in the background during character model creation process might help the player decide what might look better for their character. up and down head movements might help also. maybe have some facial and head hair length options too. some facial or body imperfections and other things like scars, moles, body piercings, finger nail types and polish for female characters added in for good measure. the female characters should have all kinds of make-up type of options as females usually do. eye lash length sounds like another option too.
  • there should be a large waterfall area like niagara falls in pve or even a pvp map. pvp maps should be in extravagant or wonderous areas like a emperors palace, a kings tomb, a gladiator arena, a dark medieval dungeon, a beach paradise, a ancient pyramid (Mayan, Aztec, Egyptian, Chinese..), a ancient monumental site(stone henge), Easter island and the moai figures, some megalithic site, a dense jungle area, a undead burial ground, a holy temple(or the temple of Jupiter or a deity), a site with the presence of a great obelisk, a cathedral, a grande fortress, underwater sunken city or some other memorable site with some type of theme.
  • have more dead vegetation on land and underwater.
  • add lots of boulders, rocks, stones, pebbles, branches, twigs and leaves over the world to make the landscape to make it less plain(different kinds, some with moss and lichen on them etc).
  • add moss, lichen, ferns, vines, fungus, mushrooms, roots and vegetation growing on everything from trees to buildings.
  • have all kinds of flowers like dandelions, lilacs, lilies, orchids, roses, poppies, daisies, sunflowers, oleanders, buttercups. there should be a botany of flora throughout the environment.
  • have some areas with huge active and inactive volcanoes.
  • have some dunes in the desert areas, some marsh lands, swamps, tundras, huge caverns with stalagmites and stalactites, subterranean rivers, subterranean lakes, aquifers, springs, creeks, sinkholes (like 'the great blue hole' located near Ambergris Caye, Belize or the cenotes in the Yucatán Peninsula), areas with underwater volcanic activity, underwater volcanoes, underwater forests, canyons, mesas, underwater canyons, ravines and other types of terrains.
  • when things take the form of something else they should turn into a ball of light or something like that grows or shrinks before changing form. this makes the transformation transition more smoother less abrupt than just disappearing and reappearing as something else. this is especially apparent when a human changes to a giant oakheart and back. or have the character strobe before becoming a ball of light...
  • have lots of background animal sounds at all times of the day with ones that are appropriate for each part and weather and environmental effects. whatever animal may be around or even something possibly far away or would seem nice to have, have it making its noise. an outdoors place should be full of animal sounds. the animals howling in the night sounds great. have some roosters crowing at the break of dawn and birds chirping and singing away in the morning (lots of them and all different kinds with different sounds to match and throughout the day too). have lots of bird sounds like crows and ravens calling, eagles and hawks with their fierce piercing chirps as they soar around. vultures, condors and other buzzards making their noises as they make their rounds. hens and geese cackling. ducks quacking. cows mooing. bugs making bug noises. deers and antelopes grunting. a windy grassy field or knoll. howling winds. leaves rusting. tree cracking. a windy thunderous stormy night. bolts of lightning flashing momentarily followed by thundering cracks. a furious blizzard. a cool evening sea breeze. a drizzling light rainy day. a heavy gusty rainy afternoon. a hailstone shower pouring on a cold wintery area where snow does not fall. flash floods engulfing a ravine in a sea of water. waves crashing on a shore. a sputtering whirlpool pulling life and debris into its vortex as it swirls around. an undertows beneath a surf wave that pulls players towards the sea as it crashes onto shore. rivers and waterfalls splashing and flowing as water passes through it. water splashing and splattering as players wade around in puddles and pools. underwater whale, seals, dolphins and other marine life sounds. echoing cavern sounds of rocks and other noises from reverberation. earthquakes, landslides, snowslides and avalanches that devastate entire areas. deep sea trenches filled with heavy rip currents and torrents. tidal waves and tsunamis that flood entire cities causing areas that were once above the sea to be submerged. violent typhoons ravaging cities. tornadoes. hurricanes. rainbows. fires crackling at camp sites and in caves. have sounds that you might hear in a forest, jungle, creek, cave, desert, beach or ocean. what a players sees is just as important as what he/she can hear in an environment.
  • dynamic events. there should be mostly small dynamic event quest chains that are first off catered for 1-5 number of players, and as more are players are involved, new small dynamic event quests are added and stack up to meet the demands of a large group. each area may have a number of dynamic event quest limit capacity, like 4 for example, and when that limit has been met, the quantity of foes in each event may increase to supplement the increased number of players, at this point the dynamic quests may even become more complex by adding new and random objectives to be completed. to vary dynamic quests a bit, each area may have a set of randomized dynamic event quest chains(say a set of 10) that are available for that area and stacked up as more players participate.
  • WvW, each capture point should have a unique name so that players can easily remember the point on the map.
  • WvW officers. each party(squad) leader(sergeant), group-of-parties' leader(lieutenant), lieutenants' leader (captain), and up and up in rank should provide and have increasingly more bonuses and buffs (some may increase range of weapons or strength of certain weapons etc) for the players around them in combat and have extra skills and options (like the ability to call in increasingly stronger offensive siege weapons or air support or defensive types support etc), the higher up in rank they are. so the main players to eliminate in a battle should be the officers to weaken an army. these officers should provide enhanced strategic advantages for each army. by taking capture points and get kills and meeting other criteria, a player is given rank points that make them eligible for higher commanding ranks. each commanding rank would require a certain amount of rank points in order reach that position and each server only has a certain capacity limit of how many of each rank can be had. for example 1 general, 4 captains and 10 lieutenants. each captain would have some captain boon(s) or skill(s) shared with other captains etc and one unique one and the same would go for each lieutenant. having more captains and lieutenants would not only add greater strength in numbers but also tactical advantages of variety. the general would just have all elite stuff lol. each capture point would also require armies to have certain officers be with them in their battle in order to capture that point, so higher level capture points would require opposing armies to have high ranking officers with them in order for them to capture it. other requirement can be enforced also to increase difficulty requirements for point capture. servers could be required to spend days or weeks capturing tier 1 capture points before reaching high enough ranks to capture tier 2 or 3 capture points etc. at the end of a match a server which has met certain capture criteria get awarded so accordingly. also each officer may have some visual characteristic that may make him/her stand out from other non-officer players in a battle field in order to be easily distinguished from the other players. because officers are easily spotted, they should be protected in order to gain the upper hand in a battle.
  • WvW, capture points should be difficult(well not too difficult) to capture with strategic planning and execution but easy to defend.

defense should require opposite teams to use strategic game-play and tactics to overcome (think rts games). the more challenging the requirements and strategy needed to capture a point the more rewarding it is to gain that point. zerg rushing and being able to capture a point with that tactic makes for a very simple game-play that rushes a match becomes too overpowering. servers should not even have to be required to capture all other points of any to win a match, total player kill count could just be the determining factor.

  • WvW, a visual layout of which servers are competing with which ones should be available and updated all the time (something like how a football championship matching scheme is laid out). players can click on the layout to see the stats of the servers and key players in each one.
  • WvW, each siege weapon should be designed to capture a point a different way, for example, to break parts of a wall to breach a keep or to break down a gate to do the same. or a weapons counter to cripple the weapons defense of a keep with a ladder device to breach it. personnel weaponry could be used to defeat players defending the keep. planted charges could be used to help breach keeps.
  • have undead zombie foes.