Feedback:User/Jeepers/Final Thrust

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Final Thrust has become unusable due to the power creep that took place over three expansions. Requiring 10 adren and "losing all adren on use" are simply are too harsh for a skill that does only 32...40 conditional damage more than Galrath Slash.

Final Thrust Final Thrust 8 Adrenaline Sword attack. Deals +10...34...40 damage if target foe has a condition. Deals another +10...34...40 if target foe is also below 50% health. You lose all adrenaline.

Reduce the adren requirement from 10 -> 8, but the guaranteed +32...40 now requires a condition. If target foe doesn't have a condition, none of the + damage will take place, even if the foes's below 50% health. If target foes has a condition but not below 50% health, only the first +32...40 will take place.