Feedback:User/Knighthonor/Add Wife/Husband and Children as a feature in the Home District

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NPC Wife/Husband Children system

This idea is a optional feature for Personal store line. Players are allowed to customize a npc to be their character's wife/husband, that would mingle with the player in the Home District.

Children System[edit]

This could be a unique customization system than the Wife/Husband, which would been designed in a similar fashion to the player creation page.

But What makes the Children design system unique, is that the children are randomly designed, based off the two parent's customization variable elements.

the Kids's growth[edit]

As the kids grow over time, they add personal events to the player's character. For example your character child could get lost, and you are sent on a event/mission to get your child back.

The Children Leave room for Future X-pac features[edit]

Once the game gets settled in, If the Companion system returns, the Grown Up version of your Child could be a cool companion to, which would be very immersive, since you raised this in game companion from lore point of view, and watched it develop over time. This type of system, gives players more motivations to keep playing the game, in a similar fashion that neo-pets and other online pet social games, keep their players attached.