Feedback:User/Laric McLeod/Crafting Extras

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Another method for allowing people to further customize the armor and weapons for their characters would be nice. I suggest allowing players, at the time of crafting, to include extra (optional) materials or salvage items with the normally required crafting materials to create unique add-on appearances. For example, I craft a set of Ritualist armor and include an extra 10 Feathers when I have the NPC craft the armor. When the armor is made it appears normal except for the string of feathers looped around the chest or hanging from the belt. I could craft armor for my Elementalist and include 25 Fiery Imp Hearts to make the armor have a soft, red glow. And for my warrior I included extra Iron (which was already required for the armor) to make it appear thicker and reinforced at the joints.

The possibilities are endless, but keeping the effects purely cosmetic (rather than functional) should take most of the heartache out of it. I enjoy the idea of including Globs of Ecto in my Ritualist's armor to make it appear ghostly. The same could easily be done for weapons.

In addition to having the normal armor and weapon crafting NPCs give this option there can also be special NPCs in the world that work with certain, (rare) materials, armor, weapons, items. Imagine a quest to get an NPC to make that Ghostly Sword flaming, because he is the only one in the world that knows how to work with ghostly weapons.

You can also allow dyes to be crafted into the armor during creation to create a base color for the armor. That way, when dyes are applied later, different colors can be achieved. For example I use white dye when crafting my Mesmer armor, so later when I apply red dye to it, the color of the armor comes out closer to pink. It can be possible that certain parts of weapons or armor can only be dyed during their crafting.

It's important to allow this customization to be applied to items after creation, otherwise weapon drops become of less value than crafted weapons. Restricting what can be customized after the item is crafted however would increase the value of crafting the item vs farming it.

I think Green drops (unique items) should be immune to this customization.