Feedback:User/Ngine/Moving Kodan sanctuary

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Hey there Arena Net,

I'm a loyal guild wars fan and already a guild wars 2 fan and I had an idea about the kodan sanctuaries. You guys probably know the marlin in the lions arch bay which is on a track. I was thinking: hey the sanctuaries have sails so they can move, why not put them on a track aswell. In my opinion they should be on a longer track than the marlin ofcourse and make the entire construct move somewhat slower. You could make the city and its environment alot more intresting because the environment could be dynamic. For instance: let the sanctuary move through a dense ice field or between other icebergs. Let them move past glaciers etc etc.

Though there could be a problem with accesability. Well if there where smaller ships that would transport people/charr/sylvari/asura/norn/kodan to the sanctuaries from the mainland it would solve the problem.

thank you for reading this in advance and good luck finishing GW2.