Feedback:User/PhoenixDown/Greetings and Etiquette

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We need more emotes in games. I'm kinda annoyed at the mannerisms in fantasy MMO's, it's funny because if you met or were granted an audience to a real life royal in medieval times and you didn't kneel or bow you were usually thrown in a dungeon. Handshakes would be awesome too! We need more ways to improve mannerisms in greetings, sure not everyone would use them but the people who did could feel a lot more professional about themselves. There are a lot of Emotes that have been heard before but integrating them all would bring much more depth into the game.

Couple of examples: Kneel (Weapon out would look great), Bow, Shake Hand, Wave, Thumbs Up, Thumps Down, Hi-Five, Fist Bump, Mexican Wave, Stretch, Salute, Hail, Shout, Headbutt, Air Guitar, Face-Palm, Knock (That's if the game is integrated with opening/ closing doors), Panick, Shoot (Pistol with fingers; funny as for gun-slingers), Tip-Toe, Yawn, Catch Breath, Whistle, Shine Weapon etc, Think (Fist to forehead kinda thing), Tantrum (Stamps feet, bawls, smashes fists on ground, you get the picture).

There are so many things to expand on! Especially mannerisms. --PhoenixDown 13:16, 29 May 2011 (UTC)