Feedback:User/Renaissance Reaper/Elite and Regular Skill Suggestion for Races and Professions

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Fusion of Flesh (Necro Elite) - You incase yourself in the corpes around you adding armor and damage and giving you a new skill set (Necrotic Claw, Infectious strike, Disease Shot, Flesh of my Flesh (Old Rit Skill to raise dead allies), Stop Fusion)

Mind Blur (Mesmer Regular) - Causes opponents screen to get blurry and causes double vision creating a clone of the mesmer

The Great Hunt (Norn Elite) - Norn attacks, runs, and can use skills 25% faster

Scythe of Vengeance (Guardian Elite) - Dervish scythe steals health from up to three enemies, burst skill gives Guardian health so then if it dies before the guardian uses the skill it only does damage.

Djinn Form (Elementalist Elite) - Elementalist takes the form of a djinn depending on what attunement they have, gaining resistance to that element, and doing causing area of effect damage around them for 10 seconds. Cannot Change Attunements during Djinn Form

Backlash (Thief Regular) - Thief shadowsteps behind enemy striking them in the back causing bleeding for 15 seconds

Sweet Dream (Sylvari Regular) - Memories of the dream sooth the Sylvari giving boost to Health Regeneration and Armor bonus for 15 seconds