Feedback:User/Tekn0mancer/Cross-campaign quest: Xunlai Blackmail

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This quest can be actually considered as an extension of my earlier suggestion. I'm probably way over-thinking it, but I wondered how a Xunlai panel quest would work, and then I remembered the existence of Marnta Doomspeaker. That immediately gave me the idea that started my mental gears turning, and this is what I came up with:

Marnta Doomspeaker was really a master criminal who infiltrated the Xunlai Guild and, along with her partners-in-crime from all over the world, stole the keys required to unlock the 4th-anniv panel. Planning to blackmail the guild by leaking news of the theft and ruining the Xunlai reputation for security, they distributed the keys among themselves for safe-keeping. Collect the stolen "Xunlai Keys" needed to unlock the 4th-anniv storage panel (Marnta Doomspeaker should be the final boss in this quest chain). Return all keys to the quest giver to trigger a mini-mission in Kaineng Center (explorable), in front of the Xunlai headquarters. Completion of this quest permanently unlocks your 4th Anniversary Storage panel account-wide.

Would require creation of a new "Xunlai Key" Quest item (using the Canthan Key skin). Each would be found in quest item chests which would spawn by the bosses only when this quest was active. Everything else already exists and would just need to be assembled into a storyline.


If the backstory for it isn't already settled, this proposed quest chain could even provide "bridging" lore for the Xunlai Guild's loss of status in GW2. Questions, comments, concerns, suggestions? -- Tekn0mancer User Tekn0mancer-Awaken the Blood 19px sig.jpg (Talk | Feedback) 23:36, 1 July 2012 (UTC)