Feedback:User/Wazwolf/Various Cosmetic Tattoos and Placements

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The various races and NPCs could possibly have a variety of markings for the face and body. Tattoos, piercings, scars, and brands (for the furrier races). Nothing to make anything too garish looking. Having ridiculous characters running around breaks the game submersion. But sensible options for diversity would be a wonderful treat.

They could even be tied into the "Biography" choices during character creation.


Creating a Human, you answer the question that he is of noble birth, and create him with a facial scar. By giving him that scar, you align him with a certain background history that was not tied to a direct question. Scarred characters may be viewed as more adventurous, dangerous, daring, and/or combative.

A noble with tattoos all over doesn't make sense, unless those tattoos will create a background story that shows he was disowned, or left his heritage, etc. and went off on a different path than typical.

Those minor cosmetic choices then could open up different story lines just like our other choices.

Food for thought.