Feedback talk:Game updates/20110916

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I don't see why this page should be deleted. Just renamed, according to --Emkyooess 19:10, 16 September 2011 (UTC)


I guess skill balances are going to be very rare with the monthly fluxes, huh. 22:05, 16 September 2011 (UTC)

Its my understanding that they are trying to bring the skills into a useable state but not rediculously OP. The fluxes are what will both keep pvp fresh with a changing meta without having to worry about stomping key skills into oblivion. Typically armor ignoring dmg is OP in pvp but this month peeps are no doubt looking to dmg with armor penetration included. (air magic, strength, JI, channeling item spells, AP attack skills) Justice 22:34, 16 September 2011 (UTC)
Why would they prefer armor penetration damage? This flux makes armor penetration less effective. - 22:38, 16 September 2011 (UTC)
oooo I see. They made ap apply before the flux. Well that's silly. - 22:43, 16 September 2011 (UTC)
Skill updates were rare to begin with, due to a number of factors. One; the live team is not so much a skeleton crew as the remains of a skeleton crew, one so dilapidated and decomposed that it probably wouldn't even be admissible as forensic evidence if I was ever indicted for the "disappearance" of Izzy. Two; skill changes are quite a bit of work. They take time and effort to test: part of the reason it's hard to roll updates faster is the difficulty in getting a hundred-odd unpaid volunteers together to play 16-man matches, and then sync all the players on each side of those matches to appropriate levels of skill. In short, it's easy to test individual skills for bugs, but it's a lot harder to determine real balance issues any way other than dumping them on live. The other part of the reason is that they don't trust us with the tools that could be used to make changes to the game – and they're right, I'm an evil asshole. –Jette 23:35, 16 September 2011 (UTC)

guild wars wiki notes[edit]

Perhaps. We have been given significant advance notice on many updates. How long was the window between the hero-cap-removal announcement and implementation? That is just one example. Personally, I would much rather have [significantly] less notice but guaranteed dates but I would wager others would complain about that too. Crysania Anchorwind [Quin] 02:21, 17 September 2011 (UTC)
People will complain about everything that ever happens. Just be patient. I for one am glad they haven't released part two yet, since I'm only just finishing part one! That's my own fault of course. 16:15, 17 September 2011 (UTC)
I keep wondering if they're going to tie it in with the Halloween stuff or wait until after the Mad King goes... well, mad again this year. XD --Thrashed 19:24, 17 September 2011 (UTC)
It's not tieing in with Halloween, it's just taking it's sweet time to be completed and tested. The only thing stopping the WoC update is whether or not the WoC update is complete and tested. I think they may have changed their tune on the decision to give players information about upcoming features. John Stumme liked giving players something to look forward to but I think you can see from the dervish update and the hero cap update, waiting for something you know is coming but don't know when turned out to be a lot worse than knowing nothing at all. They haven't spoken up at all about what is coming after WoC aside from possibly looking at PvE balance for a few classes (smite monk, elementalist, ranger, paragon) so maybe they will just release updates next year without six month advance teasers. 05:50, 23 September 2011 (UTC)