Feedback talk:User/Bonsai/New Skill/spell System

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also long as we ge ta seprate bar for these spells, Iam fine with it.--Knighthonor 01:03, 31 March 2010 (UTC)

Not a bad idea, Bonsai, but skill trees and the like aren't exactly new to gaming. With that being said, I don't have a problem with this idea, but would you clarify how you would be sorting skills/spells? I really don't believe the devs are going to give us more than one skill bar as Knighthonor is suggesting. Part of what makes Guild Wars so unique and challenging and fun is how we are limited to our skill selection while in the World and/or PvP. Now if we were able to modify the skill bar they give us, that is split up this many slots on this side and this many slots on that side, one side for attacks and the other for heals or support, that could be cool. But that's something else entirely, isn't it? lol :D --Ravencroft0 03:21, 3 April 2010 (UTC)

Spells/skills would be sorted out into four divisions like:Sword arts,black magic,white magic,sharpshooting and then they would be sorted by elements-wind,water etc or by load out like black powder,ice bullets etc. or by sword enchantments.By this I have meant that I would sort them in this way because if otherwise it would look like someone threw a bucket full of letters and it would be hard to navigate through all those spells.--Bonsai 12:17, 3 April 2010 (UTC)

Sword arts as well as axe arts or hammer arts? A different mastery for every type of melee weapon then? sharpshooting = bow mastery? Where would stances fit in? They aren't exactly magic so much, as they are more innate skill. Defensive arts maybe? There are still a few hazy areas with your idea, specifically with your white magic being divided up into elemental attributes. Flesh it out. You could be on to something.

Ok,to explain more deeply: We would have a big tree which would branch into five categories-sword arts,black magic,white magic,Ultima(stances)and then when you decide which category you want to develop first you would trigger subcategory for that "main category"(same principle for others)lets say you want to trigger sword arts-which would branch into new subcategories ie.swords,hammers,daggers,and then appropriate sword art(skill:like for example Fury blades)....etc same goes for black magic-elements-water,fire,ice etc.but now ice would branch into more powerful ice attack-blizzard maybe etc.,white magic-would branch into healing spells,condition removing spells,enhancement spells etc.,fire arms-would branch into flintlock pistols,flintlock rifles,bombs,flamethrowers,bows,and then appropriate skill for each of those subcategory etc.,Ultima(stances)-Speed boost,blocking,increased attack rate etc.--Bonsai 09:30, 5 April 2010 (UTC)

I think the entire spell/skill thing needs reworked. A spell user should have a general assortment of spells that characters of that particular class can learn, but make it so that they can only cast certain spells a certain number of times a day, or once every xX minutes/hours. This way, you can be varied and versatile without being overpowered (you have access to defensive/offensive spells, but you must choose wisely). The same could be said of skils, possibly. I just don't like how GW1 is set up with its skills because what people call being good at builds, is just like net-decking in a TCG: There is little incentive for actual talent and skill other than people finding a single build that can accomplish everything and pushing it on others. While it may be a way to win, it's a mistake on the skill designers who create this opportunity for people to hover over these specific, mass-used builds. It's no fun for others having to play a build someone else made just so they can join a group. 23:56, 24 April 2010 (UTC)