Feedback talk:User/Bonsai/Transportation

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Some time ago, I discussed the idea of Non-Mounted Travel in Tyria.

Here is my thread from Guild Wars 2 Guru:[1]

The replies were rather consistently positive.

Map travel was a radical departure from the regular MMO formula. Asuran Gates, again represent a radical new way to approach transportation. Mounts are not a departure from, but a conformation to MMO standards.

What I think Guild Wars needs is it's own version of trains.

If we draw analogies to actual transportation systems: Asuran Gates act like Planes: safe, convenient and fast but limited to major transportation hubs. Mounts would act as Cars: slower and more dangerous, but ubiquitously accessible.

Now, picture a rail-like system. An infrastructure in place to cover distances players are unmotivated to run, but are not covered by Asuran Gates. Players hop on and off along a static route between larger towns. It takes less time than running and is partially safer (clearly, there would be train robbers), but only directly allows access to places on the route.

This uniquely solves the issue of players wanting to traverse territory with some speed without falling into old mechanics. It also lends itself to a place in the event system through highjackings and blockaides

What might this system look like? Sails.

Anet artists love sails. They are freaking everywhere in the concept art; even the roofs of houses look like sails. Only one thing, that I can remember, has sails as the artists have envisioned them: The Kodan Iceburg, a sailing city. A fleet of land-trawling ships sailing between towns periodically raided by Wind Raiders and routes blocked by the Tengu would definitely be unique.

TedTheShred 23:58, 26 January 2010 (UTC)

Awh, now I'm fantasising about hopping on a train with some other players and watching the landscape of Tyria flash by … And you're right, it would open up all sorts of event opportunities. Huge ships would be great also. – NuclearDuckie 01:13, 2 February 2011 (UTC)