Feedback talk:User/Emkyooess/Non-caster staves

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Huh. I've never thought about this, nor have I ever seen it discussed before. But what an interesting idea! I like it a lot! But, perhaps they are disinclined to grant us staves and wands that are linked to attributes that aren't spell attributes. Or maybe they don't like the idea of a physical weapon wielder carrying a staff as a primary weapon. Who knows? But it does make sense to do this. All classes have weapons or off-hands linked to all of their attributes except for Ranger, Dervish, and Assassin (also, Leadership for Paragon). But, many a build could be created for a ranger that doesn't utilize marksmanship or for an assassin without dagger mastery. I agree that this should be done. It seems to me that it would be simple to add those attributes to the reqs of staves, wands, and focuses. If they're worried about staves/wands being overused in game, then how feasible would it be to create a new physical weapon class for these profs that link to their other attributes, like throwing knives, or something? Still, with all the work that designing new skins for a new weapon class would entail, giving staves to these classes is the better choice, and is a very good idea! We need weapons that link to these other attributes!--MushaUser Musha Sigc.pngTalk 04:31, 4 November 2009 (UTC)