Feedback talk:User/Raine Valen/Skill suggestions/Mesmer/Inspiration Magic

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Arcane Echo[edit]

your present archane echo form is curently wrong... just a head up Tech Wolf 22:22, 2 August 2010 (UTC)

Ah, the dangers of copypasta. — Raine Valen User Raine R.gif 22:25, 2 Aug 2010 (UTC)

No RC. and ability to basicly make as many ele nukes as posible within 39 seconds?... Make it 5 energy, Mesmers arnt powerful enougth.--Neil2250 User Neil2250 sig icon6.png 23:02, 19 August 2010 (UTC)

Yeah, so you can't put it on yourself and spam Diversion anymore. I basically copypasted Arcane Mimicry, and forgot to put the Cannot self-target clause in.
As far as no recharge goes, it doesn't need one if it's doing anything: if someone uses a spell while this is on them, it won't be on your bar anymore (like ihex or ienchant). Technically, you *could* put it on your entire party, but then you'd probably never be able to cast anything, since any spell you were using could fail mid-cast if anyone else uses a spell (since the old spell may no longer be on your bar). However, I may add a No effect while using skills clause, because spells failing mid-cast would be rather annoying.
One thing I will consider, though, is the length of the skill replacement; 10 seconds seems a bit long (although, in practice, it will go faster because people use mid-spec Inspiration in most builds and because it should replace skills rather frequently, generally).
Overall, I think it should be fine now that it can't self-target; that would, agreed, have been retarded. :P — Raine Valen User Raine R.gif 0:44, 20 Aug 2010 (UTC)

Inspired Hex/Enchantment[edit]

I kind of want to allow you to target anyone with them. Kind of.
The issue that I see would be that, say, a Dervish could Inspire their own Heart of Fury, then recast it for 100% uptime. Similarly, a Mesmer would be able to Inspire their own Diversion and recast it.
It's an interesting functionality, but I think something like that should be elite-worthy. — Raine Valen User Raine R.gif 0:48, 20 Aug 2010 (UTC)