Feedback talk:User/Rivendahl/Test Play A Character

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I would like something like this if it was singleplayer and was more of a practice field than a 'pre-searing like' thing.

To me you're not really making any point :S

The point is to provide an area of the game as a single player instance that can be used to test a character race and profession before you decide to use that race and profession in real game play. It's try before you buy. Not try before you buy the game, but try the character out, testing the weapons, skills, etc., before you choose a character type to play. For me, I tried warrior first. Made mistakes. Started over. And I wished I had a way to test a character before permanently naming my account after my first character which was deleted because I didn't have a full grasp of what that character was capable of doing.

There already are tutorials in GW1, and they will return in GW2. ~Cookies~ 13:47, 5 August 2010 (UTC)

The Isle Of The Nameless in GW1 features such an option as a more in-depth tutorial. Though it is party-accessible rather than solo-only, you have the option of going in alone. For those who didn't get a good feel for their profession during each campaign's tutorial, you have the option of creating a PvP character and taking it into said Isle for yet another tutorial on how much of the world affects your character and how your character affects much of the world. The Isle of the Nameless can be accessed via The Great Temple of Balthazar, where any PvP-only character is "born" by default at level 20, with all of the skills and equipment your account has unlocked readily available to you at the press of a button (J). Advancement in level for PvE characters can take as little as six hours, with the high experience rewards and your two 15 attribute reward quests on the "Beginner/Tutorial Island" of Factions to boot, you have reasonably quick access to all of your attribute points and max armor almost the moment you set foot on the mainland. Nobody is stuck with a character, as any character can be deleted to make another at any time. It is nearly impossible to "gimp" your character in GW1, as attributes are free to distribute and redistribute at will while in any town or outpost and both armor and weapons can be modified as per the player's preference at will, provided you have the in-game currency to do so. Providing such an option as simply giving you all of the abilities the game has to offer before you understand your profession well enough to know how to use them, efficiently or not, would be similar to sending a toddler out into battle with Thor's hammer, Mjolnir. Regardless of your resources, if you don't know how to use them you're still screwed. If you actually follow each tutorial, they teach you about such things as adrenaline in reference to your skills, your armor rating and so on. If you weren't paying attention because you believed all warrior "classes" are the same in every game, that isn't the fault of Guild Wars. We provided you with the information, it's in your hands after that. Please, if you're going to make suggestions for an upcoming game, at least take the time to understand its origin. Thank you. Dan Dan Teddy Bearz 10:49, 24 November 2010 (UTC) Teddy Dan