Guild:Dawn Of The Forest/The Dusk Handbook

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Hello and Welcome to Dusk

Greetings, I hope you enjoy this page, and I hope you better understand us after viewing it. I and all the members of Dusk are pleased to welcome you into our society. We really aren't as bad as we sound. We may be strict, but we are only to insure the pleasure of our members. I am happy to admit that we have created our own culture. We live by the standards listed in our guild site, so that everyone can enjoy a peaceful experience through our standards. So enjoy yourself and have a glass of lemonade, or if you are really thirsty have a keg of it.

Dusk for beginners

Dusk is unique compared to other guilds. We take a more medieval attitude in our guild. With most guilds not all of their members are valued, but in Dusk all of our members are respected and honored. Every single member plays a major role in our lifestyle. Without every single one of our members, we cannot be effective. Each member is gifted and is a valuable part of our society.

A merchant cannot sell anything if he does not have goods to trade. A merchant must first have a supplier to supply him his goods. In order for the supplier to create the merchant's goods he must have workers. In order for the workers to create the goods they must have supplies. In order for the workers to get supplies they must trade with another merchant.

This is an example of an integrated society. Without one of these people the process cannot be completed and the society fails. As in the example the society must have all of the parts to be successful. In the same way Dusk must have all of its people to be successful.