Guild:Nice To Kill You/Pr0

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Nice To Kill You/Pr0
NTKU To' Pr0
Campaign Core
Title type Character

This is a title reserved for Nice To Kill You guildies. Points for the Pr0 title track are earned by making successfully accomplishments for your entire party and achieving ranks in the Maxed titles track.

Every time you are the best gamer on a succesfull game in pvp you gain 5 points. If you are the best gamer on a succesfull normal mode game in pve you gain 1 point, and if it is in hard mode you gain 5 points. Elite zones gives 1 extra point in normal mode, and 5 extra points in hard mode. A maxed title will award you with 300 points. You will probably increase this title according to the number of statues you have on your hall.

"Pr0" title track

Tier Title Points Icon
1 Pr0 1,000 Pr0!!!
2 To' Pr0 10,000 To' Pr0!!!