Guild Wars Wiki:Elections/2007-08 bureaucrat election/Rezyk

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I believe that Rezyk has proven his commitment to the project with his instrumental contributions to the policies, guidelines and tools we use every day on the wiki and by helping, through both discussion and personal example, to foster a healthy community culture that seeks and respects consensus, that values transparency and that looks forward to engaging in productive dialogue. I believe he's shown to be reliable, responsible, discerning and fair. I'd like to see him still in this role for the next term, hence this nomination. --Dirigible 10:33, 6 August 2007 (UTC)

Thank you for the kind words, but I am declining this nomination.
Note: This is absolutely not due to any sort of frustration with the wiki nor the office of bureaucrat. More to the contrary -- I simply believe that this is ultimately best for the wiki in the long run, for a variety of reasons (and have been planning to step down after my current term for quite a while). I may run for the position in the future if/when I feel it would be beneficial enough to do so. --Rezyk 18:35, 6 August 2007 (UTC)