Guild talk:으v트r 9000 (historical)

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Should it be mentioned that this guild (while using different names) has also won gold trims as [GG], [GoLd], and [CAKE]? 4 trims would make it the 2nd most successful guild after [rawr]

No, they should be considered 3 unique guilds. Although [WHAT] has frequently been referred to as [Cake], the core that won the July mAT only consisted of two [Cake] members. [GoLd] was a different guild all together.--Divine Nine 20:34, 14 August 2011 (UTC)
Gotcha. If [WHAT] goes on to win another trim in H O T S H O T [Easy] would you advocate the two being consider linked? Both guilds share a cape and (it seems from obs mode) a very similar (almost identical) core roster.--Four Year Strong 15:48, 22 August 2011 (UTC)
Yeah that would be fine. --The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk) at 01:56, 29 August 2011 (UTC).
Different guilds are different. If each guild wants to mention the members (and where there are now), that's one thing. Even if the entire roster is identical, it's not the same guild. 03:42, 29 August 2011 (UTC)