User:Cloud Xan/Rant

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GW2 Ideas - Coolness is not a reason for implimentation

Is it just me or do I notice a trend in most of the GW2 Suggestions? Most suggestions go along the lines of:

Wow wouldn't it be really cool to have X in the game, you could do Y, Z, etc. 

Now I'm no game designer (not yet at least), but how many ideas were really made into proper game mechanics just because they were cool. This is especially bad with skills, with people coming up with ideas for totally imbalanced ideas, I mean come on if you come up with an idea it's got to fit into the game, seems as we only know a few things about GW2 I think it's to early to be saying "oh include this skill, change this one, etc."

Sure, I'm sure some people put a lot of thought into their ideas, and that's really what I'm asking for with this rant, but the number of people that just come up with an unreasonable, imbalanced and cool ideas. Now all right I've proposed some ideas that seem a little far out occasionally, and true to people more experienced than me at this sort of things can point out the failings of the idea. I do try and put thought into it, both to how the mechanic/skill/ect. works and what the feel of it would be.

And as a side point: The number capitals, exclamation marks and/or smilies you use in an idea is not necessarily proportional to the chance of it being accepted, in fact in my eyes it is proportional, just inversely. I would show this data in a graph but I haven't got the time.

Moral of the story: Put some thought into your GW2 Suggestions, please.

Note: I'm not personally attacking anyone with this post, not even hinting at certain people, not even those I've posted on talk pages about. I've looked through quite a few of the suggestions and seen the similarities.

GW2 Ideas - Just because something exists in another game doesn't mean it'll be implimented

Another trend I've begun to notice in the GW2 Suggestions is:

I also play game X and I really like Y, therefore it's a good idea for GW2 

Okay main failing of this argument: Copyright. This little © sign actually means that an idea is coprighted, and therefore cannot be used without the owner's permission. ANet are going to avoid breaking copyright as much as possible, as it would be a pain for them to negotiate it's use. Also just because it works in one game doesn't necessarily reason that it'll fit into GW. Refer to my earlier rant.

Moral of the story: Don't suggest something from another game/story/whatever as an idea for GW2.

Messy code

I'm webmaster for my local canoe club, and I'm re-designing the whole website, now that's fine, the the guy before me (all right he did a brilliant job of it) ended up using messy code, there are some things about HTML coding that I get really fussy about, capitalization is my biggest. Why use < BIG > when < big > suffices? I can understand important tags like < HEAD > and < BODY > and even some minor code like < B >, but if it's 1 letter +, it looks much nicer in lowercase. Other messy bits are in the head tag. Some of it has obviously been cobbled together at different times, and it just makes it scruffy and hard to edit. Hopefully I'll take my own advice and make it nice and clean.