User:Haseo/GW2 Suggestions

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These are my suggestions for the better experience players hope to become a part of in the highly anticipated Guild Wars 2. I have organized my topics like the old Anet interaction pages with a title for each category. Enjoy.


The biggest problem with a large number of games comming out lately is the sacrificing of gameplay for graphics.Please, make sure the GAME is the best it can possibly be,The graphics should come second to gameplay.





  • Auction House.
  • Better use of Merchant NPC's.

That pretty much covers it.


Game mechanics[edit]


  • More Guild options in the Guild Window.
    • Add other rank options and the ability to split the guild into groups for easier management and to add competition.
  • Ability to chalange more than one guild to a guild battle.
    • Have either T1vT2vT3vTetc... or the ability to have the home or away guilds have more than one team fighting for them, say like "T1&T2 of Guild 1" v "T3 of Guild 2 and T4 of Guild 3". The teams should probably be balanced, except if the host specifically asks otherwise.
  • Expand the Guild Hall's Capabilities.
    • So, it's a meeting place in OGW. Make it more than that in GW2. Add Trophy rooms/halls to show off glorious victories, or have a hall with different rooms going off of it with different things in them like: Guild-Exclusive Auction House, Merchant room... Make Guild Halls fully coustomizable; make a creator that the guild leader can use to edit the guild hall and add extra things by paying platinum and be able to place them where he/she wants.


  • Please,Please,improve the party interface.
    • Hooking up with a party is hard in OGW, even with the Party Search function. Some things that you shout don't record themselves on Party Search. Make it so that if you Left/Right click a person's name on the Chat Box, a dropdown menu comes up, options are; Wisper, Invite, Trade, Etc.
    • Make Party Arrangment available. The party leader should be able to click-drag party members into order.
    • Make the Party window more detailed. Have it show Red and Blue bars (if you can fit digits to represent health, more power to you). With Enchantment, Hex, and Condition arrows, put a number inside the arrows that represents how many different Enchantments/Hexes/Conditions are on target ally.


  • Keep all OGW professions, or at least plan to incorperate them in expansions/campaigns.
    • The professions as they are are pretty balanced (except for Paragon, you just broke them). They all have their strengths and weaknesses.
  • Do Not make race a restriction of professtion.
    • Takes away from overall possiblities in a game, and is just not fun. Period.


  • Make it Bigger.
    • Addition of Hard Mode was nice, but the overall game should be long enough and have an increase in difficulty every mission, to the point of the highest difficulty, instead of having Easymode and Hardmode.
  • Fill out the far corners of Tyria.
    • You feel more part of a world if you can walk along every rocky coast and scale every towering mountain. If it is on the world map, make sure you can go there.
  • Add more Elite areas.
    • I personally really enjoy the hardest of the hard, the best of the best, and high-end elite areas are the way to go. I love Tombs, FoW, UW, and DoA, but there should really be more of these so that you always have a chalange after beating the initial storyline. Add more domains of the gods that you are missing; Melandru, Lyssa, and Dwayna. That would really be interesting.
  • Bridge the PvE-PvP gap.
  • Make things you do in PvP/PvE reflect in PvE/PvP.
    • This should not include small teams in PvP(like RA and TA), but should include HA and WvW. Whenever someone complets a recognizable feat, say maxing a title, the players in WvW and HA from their world would recieve a small bonus in thier battles. When a world holds the HoH the PvE world should recieve a buff, like increased drop rate or health.
  • Endurance Mission.
    • Something I would absolutely Love would be an endurance challenge. Take a team of X players into an area of some sort and send wave after wave after wave of enemies at them, each increasing in level and number at a set time lapse, and eventually get to big bosses accompanied by seas of minions. Score could be accumulated by the ammount of time the team survived and the number of enemies slain.


  • Epic PvP:
    • Make places where you can fight 8v8v8v8... or other values of teams. The ability to gang up against another team that is doing especially well adds a mechanic OGW severly misses.
    • World PvP sounds good. Don't mess it up.



