User:Hermana Eve

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Greetings all. My ign is Hermana Eve she is a monk. She has every elite and has completed each campaign. Currently working on titles. She has been fighting for 18 months and has died 608 times.

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Hermana Eve grew up during a time when char roamed the earth. Her knowledge on this subject was very limited. As a woman she played a simple role, to keep her brother and father healthy and strong after the brutal battles. As time passed she saw to more and more soldiers injuries and quickly was know as one of the greatest healers in her land. However, times were getting grayer and one day her father did not return. For years Eve could not help anyone she was in complete disaray. Finally, her brother took her to Ascalon City and told her that this will be the last time she sees Ascalon look like this because we are loosing. Eve looked up at her brother at the same time the Char broke threw the wall. Her brother had tears pouring down his face as he looked upon his homeland in ruines. And Eve knew what he was thinking, they must keep fighting. The Char were coming and her only skills were to heal, but the hatred that burned inside her limited her healing abilities. So she used her heals as swords while she walked through the packs of chars. Killing off millions, but millions remained. At this moment she had no direction. That is where she met Warmaster Tydus and her real story begins. She was taught quickly by masters of the art of health different skills and ways to improve her heal and she also learned that holy magic is not only for healing purposes you can protect and kill. The greatest turning point in her life was when she met her true calling with the guild and alliance [Kabal of the Righteous]. An inner calling brought her amongst these people, and with this she became the leader in the battles with the chars and mursaat and the battles with the aflicted and slaying of a God. And now back to tyria to fight again.

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